Bonus chapter: first gig as band

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Sakura and melody and Calum and Luke waved at Christina and Valerie and walking towards them and their father's setting up the stage for the girls luckily The band knew the place.

"Our first gig as a band." said Christina looking at her friends and they hugged as a band. Valerie and Christina taking their places with Sakura and melody behind them.

"We are summer blaze and it's our first gig as a band and we wanna play a little tribute to our father's original band 5 seconds of summer, this is our first cover we ever did out of my limit we hope you guys like it." said Sakura looking at the crowd.

Sakura playing with Christina and did a little move like their father's just like voodoo doll and crowd went crazy.

"Christina, it's your turn to speak..." said Valerie and Christina blushed deep red. "Come on, be a team player!" Christina gulped and took the mic.

"I'm Christina Clifford iwrin and daughter of Michael and ashton and oldest sister to Valerie Clifford Iwrin. I wanna play a song and dedicate this song to my dads for making me who I am today. this song is very special to me and it's a cover. This is Just Around the corner by Martina mcbride."

Christina began playing the song on her guitar and began singing the song. The crowd waved their arms in the air and Christina was shocked and felt it. Christina remembered the day she was adopted and having Michael beside her singing this song to her.

Christina ended the song and Michael and Ashton looking at her in the crowd, Christina smiled brightly and blew a kiss.

"Okay we're going to do a fun upbeat song and it's basically our song that we picked out and we got each backs and of course these girls are my family and here's Wildside by sofia Carson and Sabrina carpenter and we hope you guys like our theme song for Summer Blaze.."

Christina and Sakura began singing and without their instruments with Valerie and Melody joining them and crowd went crazy at this Michael and Ashton and Calum and Luke smiled at the girls having fun and being themselves on stage as they singing together as a band.

The song ended and the girls doing their an epic pose and crowd went crazy again.

"We are Summer BLaze and goodnight Australia!"

They did a bow just like their father's and waved bye to the crowd.

Michael and Ashton hugged their girls and Calum and Luke hugged their girls and ashton snapped a pic of the girls posing as their father's first band photo and posted on instagram captioning

Michael and Ashton hugged their girls and Calum and Luke hugged their girls and ashton snapped a pic of the girls posing as their father's first band photo and posted on instagram captioning

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5SOS: our daughter's first gig and their name is summer blaze and they are just like us when we were younger.

Christina posted a pic of her and her friends and captioning

Christina posted a pic of her and her friends and captioning

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Adopting Christina Mashton Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora