Old Friends, Cold Cases

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"I don't want you Bella." Edward sneered at me from where he stood in front of me. I laughed outright in his face. What an idiota!

"You don't want me?" He shook his head confused slightly "Ha! What a coincidence! I don't want you either! You were a distraction! It's time I got back on the rails. You don't belong in my world Eddie boy not the other way around." His face turned broken and lovingly.

"No wait, Bella please! I only said it because I wanted to keep your safe!" He begs.

"Lies!" I snap my fingers and sure enough the Volturi emerge from the trees. Alec and Felix took Edward by the arms and awaited for my order. My brothers Aro, Marcus and Caius walked out behind me and nodded towards me letting me take the lead and give the order. I turn to walk away with them but not before stopping in my tracks and turning my head to see him over my shoulder.
"Unccidilo" I order and sure enough Eddie boys head is ripped straight of his shoulders but instead of  he glass breaking noise it should have made it made a ringing noise. Like a mobile phone.
"YOWCH!" I yelp in pain as the entire right side of my body lands directly on the wooden floor boards. Darn it! It was just a dream! The best dream I've ever had I may add but just a dream. I'll have to talk to Aro, Marcus and Caius about that idea. Ah, how much I miss my brothers back home in Italy. Now, what was making that ringing noise that interrupted my dream on cloud nine?

I whipped my head around the room in search for the source and sure enough I'm greeted with my mobile phone going mad like it's just had a thousand cups of coffee. I groan in annoyance and fall back down my back hitting the hard floor. I push my arm up pushing through my grave of exhaustion and slap my Palm right on top of my phone. I drag my arm back towards me and it and my phone lands limply on my chest. I take a glimpse at the caller ID and yet it doesn't surprise me. I mean who else would call at...2AM?! Oh I am going to kill her!

"This had better be good, Mia Cara. You woke me from my dormire." I uncovered my strong Italian accent that I am most famous for. Well all my friends know me for the strong accent, it's my trademark as they call it. Even my brothers have been impressed as I have a stronger accent than them and yet, they've been in Volterria for 3000 years.

"Well, well, well, someone's grouchy this morning." She snarks back. Grouchy?! On she did not just go there! I let out a heavy breath and pull my free and to my forehead while letting out a low bass growl of irritation. I could hear a snigger on the other end of the line.

"Emily Prentiss, it's 2am. What the hell do you expect me to be doing?! Dancing around singing show tunes?! If so then I'm so sorry to say but you need professional help..." I sat up and layed back down on my bed enjoying the sweet symphony of laughter on the other end of the line. However, there is more than one type of laugher. "So then mio amico. How may I be of your assistenza?"

"Bella, you remember that I have a job in the BAU right?" She says. I laugh a little at the remembrance of that night.

"Sì, Mia Cara. A night I shall never forget, you wouldn't stop bugging me about it until we went of for a celebration. I never thought it was possible to consume that much alcohol and still be conscious." We laughed together remembering how drunk Emily got and I had to drive her home. Goodness, the resistance she put up I was considering calling an ambulance.

"Yeah, well. Oh. Hold on my boss wants to talk to you." There was the exchange of my name many times but I couldn't focus on that. I'm a little worried as I've never needed to talk to one of my friends bosses before. Oh well, there's a first time for everything. Then a new voice drifts down the phone.
"Hello, I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner I work for the FBI BAU. I've heard about your past experiences for services in FBI am I correct?" Well. That was straight to the point isn't it.

"Sì, signore. You are correct. How may I help you?" I ask politely while sitting up on my bed. Time to be serious.

"We have a case to find a killer who calls themselves the Reaper. Unfortunately, the case had gone cold and we can't find them. Agent Prentiss has informed me of your past experiences and your skills that may help us in this problem. I would call at a more appropriate time but we can't risk another life. Do you think you could help us?" Yup. This is bad. Very very bad. So then choice. Help the FBI or stay here with my boring life...nope not a hard decision.

"Oh Caro...oh Mio...questo è male. Of course I shall help." I hear celebrations coming from the others in the room who I yet have no knowledge of. SSA Hotchner and I organised a private jet, the electronic equipment I need and a partner I shall be working with as well as in the field. We planned for me and Signora Garcia to find the location of "the Reaper" before going out with the rest of the team to find "the Reaper" themselves.

And that's how I'm here. Sitting outside of Charlie's house with a bag full of clothing and another bag with my own electronic help. I can't wait to get to work.
Hey everybody!
I need help!
I need a paring for this story. I was mainly thinking:
Bella swan/ Spencer Reid
Bella Swan/ Derek Morgan
If you have any other ideas for paring let me know and the highest voted pair will be the stories pairing but please! Let me know!
Bye <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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