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You spotted him as soon as you walked into the room; he looked so out of place, standing by the doorway away from the dancers and other patrons.

You walked over to him, swaying your hips and flicking your hair over your shoulder to get his attention.

You loved your job, and days like this -people like this- made you love it even more.

"Good evening, father", you smiled over the music, running your hands up his lapels, "What's a man like you doing in a place like this?"

His Adam's apple bobbed under his clerical collar as he swallowed, flashing you a nervous smile, "I.... uh... I think you know better than me ab- about this kind of thing."

"Are you looking for a dance?" you asked, pressing in closer and lowering your eyes along with your voice, "Or are you wanting to take this to a private room?"

You could hear him gulp, taking a deep breath, "I... the latter."

You pulled back, biting your lip, "Yeah?"

He nodded, "Y-yeah."

You grinned, looking up into his gorgeous eyes as you slid your hand into his, "Looks like it's my lucky day."

You turned away and began to lead him towards the back rooms, grateful for his benefit that nobody was paying the two of you much attention.

"Wait," you heard him say, pulling on your hand slightly.

Turning to face him, you noticed the worried look on his face and let go of his hand, bringing your to cup his jaw.

"We're not gonna do anything you don't want to do," you assured him,dropping your sexy , sultry persona to make way for one of honesty.

"I know," he nodded, worrying his lips, "I just.... could we do this somewhere else?"

You frowned, "What do you mean?"

"It's just...." he blushed, and you pulled your hand away, not wanting to make him even more flustered, "If I'm going to loss my virginity, I'd rather it not be in the back of a whore house."

You laughed, looking away at his choice of words.

"Sorry" he cringed, realizing what he'd said, "I didn't mean- It's just- Oh, goodness, I'm sorry."

You shook your head, smiling slightly, "It's alright. With a job like mine, it's nothing i haven't heard before."

He smiled awkwardly, and you chuckled.

"Honestly, don't worry about it." you assured him, "So you want to go to a hotel or something?"

"I was thinking my apartment," he told you, quietly, "If that.... if that's okay?"

You looked over above the bar to the clock before nodding, smiling at him, "I have to be on stage in forty-five minutes. I'm off for the night in an hour. You're welcome to stay and enjoy the show," you told him, smirking slightly, "Check out the merchandise before you take it home?"

You laughed fondly at the wide-eyed nod he gave you, reminding you that he was completely out of his comfort zone.

"Okay. Well, just a heads up, you stick out like a sore thumb," you told him tapping the front of your neck, indicating his clerical collar, "Might wanna take this off if you're staying. And get yourself a drink, relax. Put it on my tab."

"I don't drink," he told you, removing the collar awkwardly.

"I think tonight you can waive that rule, don't you?" you asked, smiling kindly when he nodded, "Okay. Put it on my tab. My name's Kitty. I'll meet you out on the front in an hour, is that okay?"

"Okay," he agreed, the nervous tension of his expression making you laugh slightly, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

"This is supposed to be fun," you reminded him, "Enjoy yourself."

He nodded and you smiled, walking away to the back rooms, getting ready to go on stage.

Yall by father I meant like a priest okay. Chill ain't no incest here. 😂🤚🏼

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