She was just a little different

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My aunt had just had a little Mexican baby. I got to name her, and i named her Annabella. She was the cutest thing it the hole wide world. she had dark brown hair, baby blue eyes (almost like the ocean) and of course dark skin.

When Annabella was born she only weighed 2lbs 6oz. she was very sick. and she was hooked up to breathing tubes and lots of different iv's. when she was about 3 months old the doctors finally released her from the hospital.

A couple weekends after she came home my aunt and are family decided to go out to the lake. when We all got out to the lake at first Annabella was fine but after a while her sister noticed she was not eating. Annabella became very sick and i was the only one taking care of her. i took care of her while her parents sat around and played in the water. she had a very close bond with me.

It basically stayed the same all weekend here i was sitting here making sure the sick baby doesn't die and ever one ignored us we did not even exist.

The day we left was the saddest day of my life. Annabella's mom decided that she did not want her anymore because she was always sick. and my aunt found a rock in the water and was just going to leave her on it to drowned and die. i screamed and cried and cried and cried i even went out to the rock to try to save her.

As i am sobbing my eyes out my brother realized that we left a chair. So we turned the car around and start going back. and it makes me cry more thinking about looking at her dead body. but when we got there Annabella was still alive on the rock crying. witch made me cry more and more thinking about leaving her again. so i decided to swim out and get her. and of course i did.

I begged my mom to let me keep her but all she could say is no. i even would have given up my bead for her to sleep on. but no.

As my mom and i are leaving with Annabella on the beach unable to walk or crawl. a giant group of indians show up to take are spot. so i am talking to them and asked them if they can watch this little girl we just found her sitting there and needed some one who could take care of her. they said yes. so then again i cry on the way home not feeling as bad but i still felt bad.

About 1 year later we return to the lake for summertime fun. we go to pull into are regular spot and the group of indians are still there. they have a mini village set up. i went to go see if they still had Annabella. as soon as i saw Annabella she came running up to me and hugged me. she remembered me from when she was 4months old!

I begged my mom to let me keep her again. after about 3 hours of convincing she finally said yes!!! so we took Annabella home with us and i was super excited.

We got home and made he a bed and got her toys and everything. the next weekend we went to my aunts house. when she asked who the little girl was i wanted to punch her in the face. but i told her it was MY SISTER! and she said no really who is she? and i told her it was Annabella and my aunt cried as hard as i did when she left her.

My aunt wanted to know how she lived. and i told her the whole story of what happened. and i also told her don't give up on child that is innocent and cant live on its own. just because she had health problems the first week out of the hospital doesn't mean she will for the rest of her life. she had a family who did not give up on her and never tool her to the doctor and look shes fine you just have to believe. they BELIEVED she would like a healthy life and look where she is now?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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