The Beginning

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Let me introduce myself, hi my name is Zara Katrina Damon and I LOVE writing so I've been keeping a journal every week for the past two years! I'm currently a model trying to make it in the big business world. I was so committed to my job I didn't let anyone get in the way, apart from one person. That Boy Grayson. Grayson Bailey Dolan. Where to start with him?..


I was sitting on my friend, Jessica's bed gossiping about the plastics at high school, I am 17, and how everyone is trying to get into college but I don't think I'm ready for college, I don't feel smart enough, in fact I don't feel smart at all.
"Hey Jess, what's if I don't get into college? What if I don't have the qualifications?"
"Well Za, we both know your not smart and think about it, the only job you don't need knowledge for is modelling" Jess replied
"Modelling? Do you really think I could be the next model? Not in LA though probably every 2nd girl in LA is trying to be a model"
"Well here, phone this company" she showed me this number off a website, so I did, what have I got to lose?
"Hi, Hello, my names Zara Damon and I was wondering if you were recruiting models just now?"
"Evening Miss Damon, I will need you to send me a few pictures of you and some details, if you give me your e-mail address I will send you an application and get back to you if we think you have potential"
"Ok, Thankyou!"
I gave him my email address and waited by the computer for a response.
"Oh my god Zee imagine you become the next Kate Moss!" Jess screeched
"I know!! Think about that girl Miranda, few years older than us, she just got on the cover of Vogue!"
"Look!" I showed her a picture on my phone
"I know! See losing like 5 stone and working out like 5 times a day, she looks great!" I said
"And not to been mean or anything but she was really obese!"
"Will I need to lose weight? I'm a size six?"
"Not that I don't think your skinny enough but you probably need to lose weight for their standards Za."
"Oh god! Please if they like me, help me lose weight!!"
"Z of course I'll always support you but I'm not going to push you until your unhealthy"
"Oh man do I even want to do this Jess?"
"We'll see what they have to say, you've got nothing to lose"
*ting* the computer spoke! I rushed over and stared at the screen with a huge grin on my face, the e-mail read-
"Dear Miss Damon.
We are very impressed by the photos you sent and we are pleased to tell you, with your sculpted face and figure we would like you to have a photo shoot with us!
The photo shoot will be held at our studio, downtown, exactly a month today.
For preparation please- shower the night before, do not wear any make up or cream and comfortable close. Also lose 5 pounds so you are within our weight limit.
We look forward to seeing you.

Sean Dolan. "

"OH EM GEE!" Jess screeched back
"Please, please can I come!!"
"Oh course Jess, I wouldn't want any other person!!"
"But it said you had to lose 5 pounds in a month, you okay with that?"
"Of course! If it means I can be a model why not?!"
"Okay! AHHHH I'm so excited for you Zee!!"
"I'm excited for me too!" We laughed and spent the rest of the night searching models and learning how to pose, I couldn't be more excited!


This is it, this is the day I've been training for, this is the day.
I came prepared with a bare face, comfy clothes and 6 pounds lighter (I lost an extra pound just to make sure)
I arrived at the door of the studio with Jess, clenching her hand as I was so nervous!
A man opened the door he was tall, buff, strong, with deep brown eyes, brown hair with a blonde streak and a freckle on his chin. He was damn fine! He stood leaning against the door looking us up and down. I could tell he was cocky but he was sexy.
"And yous are?.." His husky voice asked
"Oh, em- I was lost for words, I got all nervous talking to him
"I'm Zara, Zara Damon , a Sean Dolan told me to come here today, are you Sean?"
"Oh right, aspiring models are yous? Nah, Sean is my dad, I'm Grayson" he held his hand out greeting us. My hand was shaking, I couldn't get over how gorgeous he was.
"It's just Zara, I'm not into modelling, I'm just here for support!" Jess said confidently
"Well you can't be here then, only models" Grayson said quite rudely
"Wait, what?" I asked
"Zee it's fine, I'll wait outside"
"You sure?" I asked she nodded and went off, I was really annoyed he never let her stay but she seemed fine with it.
"Now come in, my dads running late so I can train you the now" he smirked looking me up and down again. I didn't feel comfortable this whole studio just to ourselves, but I was excited to see what was going to happen.

That Boy Grayson 1.2Where stories live. Discover now