Terio James, "The Helper"

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Blackham School                                                                  Dashon Jerez 



                               Terio James , "The Helper"

       Once there was a kid named Terio James. He was twelve years old, and was a very kind person. People called Terio James,"The Helper," because he loved to help out with his community in California. Helping was Terio's unusual job. Terio helped out allot in the community in California from the kindness of his heart. Terio didn't just do it for the rewards, he did it for his community, and thats mostly why he actually got the nickname, "The Helper."

       It's amazing to think about how after school, Terio james stepped up, and became the leader of helping out and taking care of his community. To begin with, there was a group of kids chatting, and laughing while eating their snacks after school. Terio visualized a kid finish his Snickers candy bar, and threw the wrapper on the floor. Terio slowly approached him, and conversed,"Do you realize what you just did ?"

      Can you imagine what an awesome leader Terio is ? Martin slowly hesitated, "w-what did i do ?" "You just littered. Not only littering is just bad, but it's against the law. We want to always throw plastic wrappers inside of the garbage." Said Terio. Terio then ran swiftly to the garbage can, and threw the Snickers wrapper in there. He was a great helper, and leader. Lisa and Ted also went to throw their trash away. "It feels wonderful to do great things simple as throwing something away." Lisa, said.

      Finally, at home at nine O-clock P.m. Terio wrote a briefly detailed speech, about keeping the community clean one step at a time, and helping out with the environment . He mentioned how everyone should take a stand, and participate. And finally, the next day, after school , Terio James, "The Helper," stood up on top of the bench in front of the school with the mic in his hand. He then told his speech. He mentioned how everyone always littered, and threw garbage onto the floor. He said everyone needs to be a leader, and do whats right out of the kindness of their hearts.

After the speech that Terio James made about the community, everyone clapped and yelled out, "Terio The Helper," chanting over and over. After his amazing speech, no one ever wanted to litter again. They wanted to help out with their community, and be their own motivation to help their community. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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