Atlantic city

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I stare at Louis’ tear-filled eyes.

His usually crystal clear blue eyes show a gray storm of emotions left unsaid.

“Why Serena? Why do you have to leave me? We can still fix this, love please stay” Louis tells me, his bloodshot eyes desperately searching my chocolate brown ones, trying to find at least a trace of what we used to have .

“Lou, this can’t go on, this can’t be fixed anymore. We’ve gone on too long, our love for each other died a long time ago.

This is the end, there’s no future with us together like this anymore.” I sadly tell him, my heart breaking more each second, not wanting to hurt this one person who brought me happiness for such a big part of my life.

I can’t believe this is the end of our four year long relationship.

Everyone expected us to live together, grow old and everything and still be in love, but I’ve realized we’ve been putting this long dreaded moment off for too long now.

“Baby please, our love can’t die, I, I need you! I love you, please, stay, we can work everything out, let’s talk just, just don’t leave me like this” he practically pleads with me, his tears, the ones he had been trying his hardest to hold back, flowing heavily down his cheeks, making me feel even more horrible for causing so much sadness in a person.

Tears stream down my own face, I move my hand, reaching out for his cheek, and tell him the hardest thing I have ever had to tell him;

“Lou, everything dies, baby, that’s a fact”


“Louis, love, everything dies, but maybe, everything that dies someday comes back. This may be the end of our romantic relationship, but maybe one day, the friendship we had before will be able to continue, or maybe we’ll be able to find love again, but not now”

He looks at me, confusion and pain in his beautiful eyes, the eyes that I once sought out for comfort, now only remind me of how something so great has tragically ended, unexpectedly.

“One day, we might meet again, Lou, and if on this day, we manage to somehow find a way to love each other again the way we once did, well then we can try us again, but until then, this is goodbye.

Maybe not for forever, but for now.

I-I love you Louis” I end up whispering, my voice breaking.

With one last light kiss, I walk away, leaving the man who once was the one sole cause for my happiness.

I leave the man that I once loved, and who once loved me, maybe not for eternity, but for now.

Who knows, maybe one day I might cross paths with him again, and if I do, who knows, maybe we can find a way to fall in love like we once did…

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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