chapter one

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"It's my first day, my first time here, my fresh new start and and a new beginning " thought Angelie to herself she was new to Korea, new to the school and had no friends, she was half-korean but lived her whole life in New Jersey. he had light skin with hazel eyes , Brown curly hair and she was 5'6 feet tall, she was skinny and loved Korea , but she had never traveled to Korea till today. She was excited and anxious she had no friends and had recently lost her grandma that was like a mother and a best friend . She was all alone in a new country , in anew school without friends butt she had hope that everything was going to be okay no matter what. She was getting off the plane a little scared it was a new beginning and she had no one by her side, she walked out , she was wearing a pink skirt with a black top and a black purse

and with her other hand dragging her suitcase and saw how happy people were hugging their love one's that came for them to pick them up at the airport and felt sad because she lost the one she loved and she could never get her back , but she smile...

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and with her other hand dragging her suitcase and saw how happy people were hugging their love one's that came for them to pick them up at the airport and felt sad because she lost the one she loved and she could never get her back , but she smiled and kept on walking remembering the promise that she made her. She walked out and got on a taxi and said " I need to go to Seoul ..."

*35minutes later*

She got out at the apartment and entered with her heavy suitcase and saw a boy and screamed " Can you help me please? " and he walked away ,she was mad but she didn't care enough to do anything about it, she took the elevator and she got off at 12th floor where here apartment was , she looked and saw her room that was #934 she stopped at #933 and knocked to know if someone was there , but no one came out she entered her room and started unpacking , when she finished she sat down and she turned on the Tv and heard someone turning on the music and it was louder but still she could still hear the Tv but 5minutes later it was louder and louder so she walked out of her room and knocked on the #933 room and a boy came out it was the same boy from last time that didn't help , he was light skin , with brown eyes , Brown hair and was tall and cute ,her came out so she said angrily "Can you please turned down the music, I can't hear my Tv " so he took his phone and paused it , and said :
Who are you?
Hi I'm Angelie your new neighbor
Oh so your the new foreigner
Yeah I am
Hi I'm Jimin ,I guess your new neighbor
But you don't look like a foreigner
Yea I'm half Korean
That's so cool , so where are you from
I'm from New Jersey
Yea , so see yo tomorrow I guess

She walked to her room and toke a shower, brushed her hair and her teeth and put on her Pijama on turned of the Tv and the light and fell asleep

*8hours later*

*alarm goes off* she wakes up showers ,brushed her hair and teeth, she puts on her new school uniform that was a black skirt with a white shirt and goes out with her backpack. She walks out of the apartment to go to school , she walks and sees the school and says" wow is so cool"

She walks in and goes to her classroom and sees a lot of girls and boys and the teacher says " There's a new girl on the classroom ,she's from New Jersey and she's half Korean ,she recently moved so please make her feel at home and treat her with ...

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She walks in and goes to her classroom and sees a lot of girls and boys and the teacher says " There's a new girl on the classroom ,she's from New Jersey and she's half Korean ,she recently moved so please make her feel at home and treat her with kindness, Angelie your sitting with the class president , so he's gonna help you know all that gotta know , right? " the boys smiles and says " yea I'm gonna help her with anything she wants " Angelie saw her whole classroom and when she saw the class president, she notices he was .....

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