Chapter 1.

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Standing over top of my family's dead bodies I grinned. Shaking as I teleported to the other room laughing. Then crying.
Then laughing.
There was a creak coming from my room. I quickly turned my black eyes to where I heard the door creak. I stood up as blood dripped down my face a teleported to my room, behind the intruder shaking. Black tendrils came from my hands wrapping around the intruder pulling him towards me.

"What do you want!?" I shrieked looking at his blue, green eyes. He snickered at me as he put his hands on my shoulders.
"Oh Amelia you know what I want" he said cackling, "I want you to be on my team, and you can kill as many people as you can when I go on missions"
I thought about it for a split second as I walked around him with my finger on his shoulder. Licking the blood off my lips and teeth smiling, "it's a deal"

/5 months later/
Mr.J and I have gotten more romantically intimate as the months go by since I've decided to be his partner in crime. His old toy Harley got taken by batman to Belle Reve when we had a bank robbery. Batman gave J a choice which is rare, and J chose me. Harley swore on her life she'd kill me but I don't see her doing it.

I changed frequently from my demon self to my regular human self. We were the same people but when someone angered me I change. But today we were going to fight Batman at his fancy party. I was watching tv as J laid his head on my lap with his eyes closed as I stroked his hair.

"So,J when are we heading to the party" I whispered. He opened his eyes and stared at me before looking at his watch.
"Um, in about an hour doll" he said groggily. He closed his eyes and fell back asleep. I set an alarm for 45 minutes and laid next to J.

/45 minutes later/
The alarm blared through my ears. I groaned before poking J on the cheek before he woke up.
"We have like 20 something minutes before the party" I said sleepily standing up before falling down,"dammit" I muttered. J chuckled and helped me stand up. I grabbed a tight black dress that stopped above my knee, black high heels, and a black choker. J wore a silver coat with a purple button down shirt. I walked down the stairs with J hand in hand.
/at party/
We stopped in front of the 15 story building.
"Ok Amelia, turn into you're demon form and teleport to the very back to his office. There will be a safe with files about everyone that I go against in the villain world. Be quick and don't let him see you. Love you" he said kissing me.
"Love you too" I said as I got out the car. I walked in with my head down. Looking around I went to a corner no one was at. Looking around for Bruce, he was talking to some lady in the crowd I then turned into my demon self, I shook as I teleported to the office.

Black tendrils coming from around me unlocking and taking all the files and teleporting to an empty spot where no one would see me. I fixed my dress and walked out with the files in my bra. I was walking out watching Joker as he started up the car smiling at me.

I opened the door and took the files out my bra handing them to J. As I was about to get in a voice stopped me.
"Get out the car Joker and Amelia."
"Batsy what do you want" growled J as he held onto my waist.
"I want you two to go to Arkham where you freaks belong" he said before a cop tased me from behind. I screamed in pain as J knelt down to try and help me. He then got tazed and fell to the ground. I grabbed him and held onto him when the tried to separate us.
I woke up to snoring as I looked down and saw J. I sat up and quietly moved his arms from my waist. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into him making me laugh as he tickled me.
"J! J! Stop! Hahahahaha" I said jerking around so he would stop. He finally did and laid his face on my arm. And then it hit me. We were in Arkham. Guards started banging on the door for breakfast.

We walked down the hall with his hand on my waist as I hugged him tightly. We got lunch and we sat in the back corner eating whatever the grey and black cubes were. Someone than sat at the table across from us. When I didn't look up they slammed their fist on the table. Still not looking at them they jabbed their fork in my hand.

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