My Magic Rock - The Pink Diamond

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When I was about 10, I was visiting my great grandmother (Mama Bessie), grandmother (Honey) and great aunt (Edna) in the small West Texas town where Mama Bessie lived for many years. We all 4 were playing a card game called Skip Bo, keeping score and wagering a penny a point. At the end of a marathon 5 hour session, I was 575 point behind and owed Honey $5.75. I didn't have that kind of money and had no idea how I would pay off such an enormous debt. Perhaps to teach me a lesson on gambling or just because they thought it was hysterical that I had such angst, Honey said, "Russy, you got yourself into this, so you better find a way to pay your debt." 

I went out into the yard on the property, which was dry and dusty. I was pacing back and forth, kicking the ground and wondering how I was going to get myself out of this mess. As I kicked and pondered, I noticed a half dollar size pink rock glistening on the ground. (I later learned that it was a piece of pink quartz) I picked it up and came up with a plan of action. I went inside the house and Honey said, "Son, you got my money?" I told her that I had deal for her. I told her that I had found a "Pink Diamond" in the yard and that I would exchange it to pay off my debt. I proudly showed off what I hoped she would believe was a priceless gem. 

As you might imagine, all 3 of them had the church giggles, but were trying to keep straight faces. Honey took the rock from my hand, asked Mama Bessie to get a magnifying glass and studied the rock for what seemed like an hour from every angle, like a jeweler in Amsterdam examining a priceless gem. Finally, she said she would accept my offer and put the Pink Diamond in the pocket of the apron she was wearing. That very day, she wrote on a piece of notebook paper a receipt "Pink Diamond Sale, paid off $5.75 Skip Bo debt, Russ 7 y.o." and taped it to the back of the rock. Of course, this was the story that was told over and over again for the next 30 years. 

When Honey passed away on April 9, 1994, before the funeral my father and his 2 sisters came into the viewing area of the funeral home where I was sitting next to Honey's casket. They were all 3 sobbing and my father said, "Russ, we need to speak with you. Your grandmother had only one request before she passed, she asked that we return to you the greatest gift she ever received in her life, the Pink Diamond." He held out his hand and gave it to me. It still had the handwritten receipt taped to the back, faded, but still legible. I have kept the Pink Diamond close to me since that day. I often touch that handwriting still taped to the back of the rock thinking of what an amazing woman Honey was and instantly feel her spirit all around me in what can only be described as pure love.

When I saw the picture for Day 2 entitled "The Magic Rock" I just chuckled as I knew exactly what the task was before I read one word. I had held that Pink Diamond in my hand for decades thanking the Universe for all its gifts. Although it was in my night stand drawer for safe keeping until yesterday, the Pink Diamond will now sit on the top so I can look at it before I go to sleep and when I wake up and give gratitude to the Universe.

About Russ S. from Tampa, FL:

48 year old gay male. Attorney and aspiring author. Live with my husband of 3 years, Mark, and our 2 wonderful adopted pit bulls, Cyndi and Jazzy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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