Chapter One

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Tap. Tap. Tap-tap. "Pst! Hey, Alex!" I hear from my slightly-open window. Tap-tap. Tap.

I grumble something not too nice under my breath, push the covers off of my body and walkover to my window. The metal ledge feels cold under my fingers as I look down to see who woke me up at this horrid hour. My unwanted visitor waits below, "Traeh... Really? It's four in the morning!" My voice breaks on a whine as I look down at my boyfriend offer than two years-- he should know better than to disturb my sleep, especially after the day I've had.

"I'm sorry, Lex..." he talks quietly so that only I can hear him as he smiles apologetically up at me, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay..." He doesn't say it, but I know exactly what he means-- he is referring to my dad being taken in to the county jail. Nope, doesn't matter to me one bit, it doesn't bother me at all...

I try and change the subject, "Come up here before you get caught, then we'll both be killed!" I say, stepping back as to allow Traeh plenty of room. I don't want to get caught because he fell and made a loud crash-- I mean, I don't want him to get hurt. I joke.

I watch as he takes hold of the metal gate more than 10 feet bellow, hooking his converse into the diamond shaped notches and begin to climb up, his eyes not leaving mine. I feel like Juliet... Once he gets close enough to me, his lips collide with mine, sending giggles erupting from my butterfly-inhabited stomach. Good ole Traeh, always able to change my mood around with a simple touch.

"Hey," he whispers against my smiling lips as he moves so he is now standing in my room, closing my window and leaning against the ledge, his legs long enough to reach the floor. He reaches out towards me, lacing his fingers in mine and pulling me closer, "you're not okay," he says, automatically.

He doesn't ask it like a question; I protest anyways, "I'm fine..."

"No you're not," he says, "he lied to you-- to me-- to everyone! He said he would be a father, not just a egg donor... That he wouldn't do this-- that he wouldn't leave you with your crack of a mom anymore..." He keeps his voice low, quiet, so that he wasn't yelling, but I can tell by the way his jaw is clenched, his normally crystal eyes now turn a bruised shade of blue, that he is mad. But I couldn't tell because of the way his hands hands laced with mine are gentle in the way that the digits trace circles slowly around my knuckles. This sends rabid amounts of butterflies around my stomach.

"Traeh... I think you're getting more worked up than me..." I say, trying to lighten his mood.

I think it works because he chuckles, "yeah, I guess your right..." he says, his eyes going back to their normal shade of crystal.

I sigh a breath of relief, it's scary to see him mad... "Yeah, of course I'm right!" I smile, squeezing our intertwined fingers.

"Hey,Bug..." he says, using my childhood nickname which makes me smile.

"Yeah?" I say, my eyes roaming up to his.

"I love you," he whispers, playing his nose with mine.

"I love you, too." I whisper back to him.

We sit in silence as he plays with my hair, his eyes flicking down to my lips ever so often. After a few times of this, he leans in, his lips gently attaching to mine, wiping away my worries for a while...


A/N: So, this is the first installment of my new story! What did you think? I loved it!

It's snowing here! That makes me really really happy. cx

Sorry I uploaded this early, but I just finished it and I had promised my friend that I would upload last night, but I couldn't because I went to sleep.


QOTD- What's your favorite season? Mine is Winter because it's cold, snow, and Christmas, and it's just awesome!

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