Am I Dreaming? *A Louis Tomlinson fanfic*

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*loud alarm clock buzzes*

"Ugh I hate Mondays." I put the pillow over my face and ears in a desperate attempt to drown out the noise.

I heard my mother yell from the kitchen. "Levantate!" Get up.

I finally swung my legs around the bed and stood up. I got ready for school. After I took a long look in the mirror I prayed that my looks would impress Louis; my major crush I've had since 7th grade. I grabbed my book bag and headed to the bus stop forgetting to eat breakfast. I got on the bus after waiting a couple minutes. I noticed how Louis (who also rode the bus) was always quiet as a statue and listened to music to drown out the craziness on the bus in the mornings. I always sat behind him and listened to music too. I would occasionally look into the window in front of him through the little crack inbetween the seat in front and the side wall of the bus. I saw his perfect face in the reflection of the window. All I could think about his beautiful crystal blue eyes. I was mesmerized.

Suddenly I snapped out of it when the bus braked hard at my high school. "Fucking bitch bus driver" was all I could think. I got up and got off. I watched Louis go into the gym to wait until classes started. I loved playing the cello, so every morning I kicked off doing my favorite thing and headed to the band hall to practice. I noticed my closest friends Natalia and Kellin already there. Natalia always looked so serious and sophisticated when she played her violin. I rolled my eyes and smiled at her. She ran up to me "Fabi! You finally got your sexy self here! And winked at me playfully and laughed. There was nothing that girl could do to not make me smile and laugh. I noticed Kellin practicing his drums looking confused. "Yeah, he's been looking like that all morning" Natalia snickered as she noticed me looking up at him. Kellin finally came over with us after noticing Natalia smirk at him. "Hey, guys" he plainly said. "Nice to see you too, dork" Natalia sarcastically said and punched him playfully in the arm. "Hey, Kellin" I smiled to see them happy this morning. *First Bell Rings* "Ugh it's off to bullshitville" Natalia added harshly. Andy (Natalia's boyfriend) came up and walked her to class. "Why do they have to be so adorable?" I asked without expecting an answer. Kellin chuckled "Maybe cause he's fucking six foot and she's 4'10" "Good point" I giggled. Then I saw Louis pass me.

I whispered "Hey Louis" under my breath. He looked back smiled and replied "Hey Fabiola". I melted inside. If looks could kill I'd be six feet under.

*Louis' Point of View

~Hi I'm Louis. I'm 19 and love to sing and play guitar. I'm quiet because I hate being with crowds and dealing with drama. I have a crush on Fabiola but I'm scared to tell her or anyone. Well that's me haha now back to the story ^.^

Dear fucking God she said hey to me. I never thought that she would even bother to talk to a loser like me. She was so pretty and I was... well me. Why couldn't I just ask her out?! I'm such a fucking wimp. Ugh! I'm clawing myself inside out just thinking about her.

*Fabiola's Point of View

I walked blushing to class just thinking about his perfect smile. Entire first period I couldn't help but daydream and smile to myself while looking down blushing at my shoes. *Second bell rings* I was still smiling while waiting for Natalia to be dismissed from her first period too. She came out and smirked "Oooh someone's in loovvvee!" "Oh shut up, Natalia". She nudged my arm "When are you gonna tell him you're head over heels for him!?" As we started to walk I replied with "How could anyone love or more less like me?" Her face turned serious; she stopped and turned to me "Fabiola you are beautiful as fuck and you damn well deserve to be loved; don't ever lie to yourself like that again" She then reached up and hugged me tight. I have always loved that about her, she always knew the right things to say at the right time :). We made our way to strings class and Andy was waiting for us there. "Hey Fabiola" he greeted with a bright smile. "Hey Andy" I smiled and lightly blushed. He chuckled and turned to Natalia "Hey beautiful" and pecked her lips. "I have good news, I'm going to play a show with the guys downtown Saturday night; you should come Fabiola" A smile lit up on Natalia's face "You should ask Louis if he wants to come with, Fabi!" I thought and smiled "Yeah, I guess I should". Her and Andy smiled. They had to look so perfect while he held her by her waist. "Well we should go tune and practice" I said noticing the time. Andy gave her one last kiss then headed to the choir room while we headed to the band hall. "Natalia, do you think he'll say yes?" I asked worried. "Fabi I see how he looks at you when you're not looking" "What?!" "He notices me?!" I was surprised and shocked that he actually bothered to even look at me. She smiled. "Yes Fabiola he notices you" "He probably likes you because with every look he half smiles and blushes"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2014 ⏰

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