Hello. My name is Melvin Aponte and today I had a good day at school, well not all good. I mean like, the morning was good, just not noon and the afternoon.
Everything was going perfectly fine. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, ate breakfast, and went to school, yet nothing happened. So at school, everything was normal, UNTIL lunch. At lunch, some moron's frog had gotten loose and everyone began to panic. One kid was like, "WE HAVE TO FIND THAT FROG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and his friend was like, "YOU'RE RIGHT." Although they were like that, some other person was all like, "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!! THE FROG WILL GET HIS FRIENDS AND COME BACK TO WRECK HAVOC ON US FOR KEEPING IT IN A CAGE AND ALMOST DISECTING IT IN BIOLOGY!!!!! AAAAHHHHHAAAAHHHHH!!!!" So it turns out that that kid had overthought the whole thing, because after words, nothing happened, but I'm still talking about what had happened at lunch.