Where It All Began

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Poets. Geniuses. LEMONADE MOUTH. Revolutionaries. Lemonade Mouth has been called all of these things. But the real story, the story of how our band came to be, is a mystery to them all.I wonder if they'd believe it if I told them that it all started...Ooh, yeah Mm Breakthrough

...right here.

"The rules in here are simple. No eating, no drinking, no sleeping, no talking, no tapping, no texting. You break a rule, I add another day of detention. Are we clear?" Miss Reznick questioned looking as us while repositioning her glasses "Great." She smiled

I sit at my desk and blow a bubble with the gum I have, already tired of being in detention.

"Alright. I have decided, rather than let you twiddle your little thumbs for the next hour; we are going to put those thumbs to use. We're gonna clean up around here.We're gonna unpack, and we're gonna turn this storage room into a music room. I mean, we might as well make the best of it, right? We've been banished to the basement." Miss Reznick continued her voice getting louder the longer she talked, Now being stood next to the instruments.

I look around the room as I hear a loud noise and realise its coming from the ceiling.

"Did you hear that?" She asked us all "Ooh.You know what? If they spent a fraction of what that new gymnasium cost to keep this music program alive, I--Ooh." Miss Reznick ranted as she waved her arms about before she stomped out the room while her voice boomed "That is it. That is it."

Now if someone said I that I would be famous one I would have laughed in their face but this is the morning where it all began

I was closing my locker as the bell rang and could feel eyes on my so I look to the left and saw a boy with long brown hair which was in one of my classes.The second bell rang signalling I was later but then I realised I didn't bring my netball kit to school with my and practise was today so I went toward the main doors to leave and miss first lesson to get it as it was only History and I had an A in it already. However as I was about to pull the door open when I heard Brenigan shout "Stop right there" I stilled and turn to face him with an innocent smile "Where do you think you're going Miss Tate "

"I was ....." I paused trying to come up with a lie

"Skipping first lesson and trying to leave school, Detention" He told me while handing me a yellow slip.

It was assembly and we was watching an advertisement about a company called turbo blast, everyone in the school thinks the jocks have it easy but it's not only boys teams or the girls teams with win trophies get the luxury treatment and netball isn't one of them we came 4th last season we had which isn't bad but to Brenigan its may as well been last.

" Welcome to our first assembly in our new gym,generously funded by our school sponsor,Turbo Blast. Drink of champions."Brenigan told us all while getting a photo took with someone from Turbo Blast."our assembly today is about Are you ready?personal empowerment. That's right. Dig deep inside, find the power within... excel not only on the field,they excel in life. A student who's willing to take risks. An empowered student. And by empowerment, I mean going above and beyond what's expected of you. You want empowered students?Now, I know it's all within you, and you know it is as well. Then you're gonna get them. On behalf of Turbo Blast,all our coaches—" Brenigan continued but was cut off by a girl I've never seen

"my shirt, my decision. Okay?Don't let your school take away your rights. Okay?Be heard. Use your voice. Come on. He can't tell you what to wear, who to be. Let's go. You can wear what you want. We can wear whatever we want. Come on. Sit down. I can wear my own T-shirt. Wear whatever kind of shirt you want. Today, tomorrow." She shouted around the Gym while taking her jacket off to revel her shirt,which she had obviously been asked to cover.

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