Slendyman x Hoodohoodlum

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Dennis, known as Hoodohoodlumsrevenge on YouTube, had a fairly normal day at his school. Everything seemed to be going fine. But...something was off. Dennis felt he was being watched. I'm just paranoid. There's no way someone is actually stalking me. Or atleast that's what he thought. It was in the middle of the night when he heard a tapping at his window. He looked out the window. "Who is it?" Dennis called out nervously. Suddenly, Tall-Skinny-Ass-White-Boy–I mean Slenderman appeared. "It's me Dennis. I've been watching you for a long time." Slenderman said. "What?! But why?" Dennis asked, shocked. "Because I decided that I want you, Dennis." He said as he crawled through the window into his room, his nonexistent eyes filled with lust. "Then take me." Dennis purred seductively. "Gladly." Slender replied. They then began to French Kiss even though Slenderman had no mouth and Dennis wasn't even French he was Swedish. They then took off their suits because everyone knows Dennis always wears a suit even in the middle of the night. Slenderman shoved his tentacles inside of Dennis and they fucked all night long yeaaaaahhhh.  Nine months later, they had ten babies together and Dennis is killing people and stuff because he somehow became a psychopath all of the sudden like Jeff the Killer. Dennis became so crazy that he killed everyone. The End. Wait. That's not the end because all of the sudden Jeff appeared! "How dare you steal Slenderman from me!" Jeff shouted. "Well, it's not my fault you're the shittiest creepypasta ever." Said Dennis angrily. Jeff gasped. "I'm going to kill you." He shouted. He and Dennis fought violently for five hours straight but then decided to give up and have hatesex. Jeff, Dennis and Slenderman killed the entire world and they all lived happily ever after. The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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