The Sea Witch's Alpha Wolf

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It's so quiet that I can practically hear the silence like a deafening force. Down here it's calm and serene but I know once I break the surface I'll have to face the hell my grand-mere's creating. Is my freedom really worth this? What about my sisters? Lydia? Maggie? Serena? Beatrice? And my baby brother? What will grand-mere do to him once I'm not there to protect him? Is leaving my family worth what I could possibly gain? Thinking about them breaks my heart and I almost turn back to go and beg forgiveness but I don't. How can I when my life is finally within my grasp? This is my time to live and not let the responsibilities that my family wants to force on me hold me back. I tilt my head and look back at the way I came. The calls of those chasing me are far away but I can still hear them. Their voices are calling out to me ~ "Come back. Come back Echo... Please come back to us! Don't leave us - we need you!"

No matter how much longing there is in their voices I won't give in. Not this time. I turn away from the past and look at what lies before me. My pendant thumps against my chest reminding me that no matter how fast I run or how well I hide the sea and I are irrevocably bound. It is not a bond that will fade with time or will ever lessen it will only grow. Reaching up I grasp it firmly and let the coolness of its power sweep over me. I open my eyes and look skyward; the voices fade away as I propel myself up and break the water. My first breath of air tastes like freedom. Finally, I am free!


I'm sitting on the beach gazing out over the horizon and watching the dolphins that are traveling past. Footsteps and muttering curses announce Chad's presence behind me as he plops down on the sand beside me. "You know for someone running away from the sea you certainly spend a lot of time near it."

I roll my eyes in response, "I'm not running from the sea just from my past with it. Besides, some bonds can never be severed, Chad. I may not want to ever go back but that doesn't mean I love the life I had any less." A sea breeze caresses my face and dances through my air. It whispers sweet nothings to me promising that life will be better if I return to it. It's begging for me to return and play, if only for a little while. Of course the moment I step back into its depth I know I'll be hooked again, like a drug addict taking another hit while swearing it'll be the last one.

"Yeah whatever," Chad stretches out his long legs and flips his bleached blonde hair out of his eyes. "You're so lucky I have amazing connections 'cause I've gotten you a job and a place to hide until you figure out what to do with this new life of yours."

I turn reluctantly from the sea and face him while folding in my legs and resting my head on my knees. "Oh? And what kind of job have you found for me?" Even I can hear the apprehension in my voice and I know Chad can too by the look he gives me. It's not like I can help it though. Chad and I have known each other for years though we rarely saw one another because of my family. It wasn't that my family didn't like Chad more along the lines of Chad lives a lifestyle that my family finds to wild. Well that my grand-mere finds wild and offensive, her words not mine.

"A friend of mine knows of a family looking for a live in nanny and house keeper. Since you need income and somewhere to live I figured this would be the perfect position for you. I've already had my friend send in and get you the job all you have to do is show up and begin work. If it doesn't work out you can always come back and continue singing for me." His face is both serious and comical at the same time. He's excited for me and also scared. I'm lucky to have a friend as good as he is. Chad didn't have to help me when I showed up alone, broke, and homeless on his doorstep but he did and I've been trying to repay him for his kindness ever since. Though singing in his club isn't exactly my idea job. Especially when his club is filled with people who could recognize me for whom I really am. My family is well known and though I can change my name I usually forget to do it.

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