Where are you? #5

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A.N: Read,Comment, Fan and Enjoy ^.^ 

Justin's Point Of View:

  What I was seeing felt so unrealistic. Today's been so crazy since I had woken up. Or was I still dreaming this bizarre dream. I stood in the middle of the room watching, trying to make sense of this moment. Trying to take it all in. Avril and Jason were kissing. What the heck was going on? Avril noticed me watching and she stopped with shocked eyes. Jason noticed when Avril stopped kissing. He followed her gaze and saw me. He too seemed shocked. Avril was the first to talk.

"Justin, it's not how it seems."

"I don't want to hear it. I guess your those kind of girls now, slutty." I didn't mean it but I was so confused and angry, my mouth had it's own mind. Tears begin to fill in Avril's brown eyes. I didn't mean to hurt her, but she had hurted me right now.

"Don't you dare to talk to her like that. It was my fault, not hers. Jason said angry.

" I know it is." His eyes grew wide.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

 I stared at both of them for a few seconds then turned around and began to leave the room.

"Ju, Justin please!Don't go!"  I could hear her pleading, I wanted to tell her to be calm, and everything will be alright. But how could I? Everything wasn't alright, she just kissed my brother! How could I be calmed after all this. I was almost reaching the elevator when I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to see it was Jason.

"Let go."

"You have to listen."

"Listen to what? The fact that my best friend of all time and my trusted brother were kissing while I was out of the room for twenty seconds!"

"You have to listen to what I have to say."

 The elevator door opened and I walked inside. Once I was inside I looked at him.He looked mad. The doors began to close. I stood still until it closed. I took a deep breath to calm down. I felt jealous. Was I falling for Avril? No way would that ever happen. But, how come I feel jealous, hurt and betrayed?

  I took out my cell phone and called one of my best buds, Richard. Richard was a trustworthy person that I can rely on when it comes to times like this.

"Hey Richard, can you meet me today?. . . Okay great see you in 15."

      Avril's POV

  My eyes were filled with tears to see Justin Leave. I was so mad at Jason. He was the one who got me in this mess. I remember how he had entered the room worried telling me he was worried how he was afraid that I would be gone and not be able to do something with me. I perplexed, asked him what that was. He look at me and slowly got closer to me.Out of nowhere, he kissed me. His soft lips touching mines. I was so surprised and caught up in the moment that I kissed him back. It was wrong, yet it felt nice.

I kept calling Justin, but he wouldn't pick up.My heart began to hurt so much. The pain was so unbearable. I wanted to scream and cry and have Justin tell me everything would be alright. Have him hold me in his arms. How I missed his hugs and smiles right now. I regret it I really do. At last Jason came back, but Justin didn't. Another tear fell.

He walked closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. I was to weak and to downcast to remove his arms. I fell so alone right now. I wished this was just a dream, or a nightmare. Although I new it wasn't. I finally understood the people that said they needed a life reset button, because right now I crucially needed one right at this moment. I stood there still in the hug of Jason. At last he let go. I had now calmed down

"What did Justin say?"

"He wouldn't listen.Am sorry."

 Whatever hope I had left in me was now gone.

"He won't answer his phone Jason. I need to talk to him. Please help me!" My voice was so shaky and low.

"Okay, i'll help you. I'll as the doctor if you okay to leave." He left, and once again I was alone. I had to make things right between me and Justin. Jason came back and told me to change. I took the clothes Justin had brought and put them on quick.

We were both now on the car. It was quite for a while. He then took his phone out and dialed a few friends of Justin.But none of the one's he dialed knew where he was. I suggested to go search for him home. He agreed and we headed home.

"Can I ask you something? You have to answer me with the truth."

"Umm okay?" I said unsure.

"Do you love Justin? Not as friends, but more than that?"

 The question startle me, and it got me thinking. Did I really love him?

"Honestly, I don't know. Maybe I do."

"Oh. I guess that's why your too eager to find him."

"I guess so."

"And I guess I screwed it up."

"Probably you did." I said with a chuckle. He laughed as well .

"I think he also likes you."

"What makes you think that?"

"The way he acts around you recently."

  We were on the drive way. We got out of the car and began walking to the front porch. The house was quite. I entered and it was really dark. Jason checked Justin's room, but he wasn't there. It was already eight forty two, were the hell was he? My eyes began to fill with tears. I just couldn't stop myself from crying. Jason took me in his arms and I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up to a bang on the door. I was on Jason's lap and he too seemed startled by the bang. We both got up and he opened the door. It was Richard with Justin! Justin was holding himself on Richards shoulder. The moron had gotten himself drunk.

"Hello guys." Richard said embarrassed.

"Come on in." Richard did as he was told and he layed down Justin on the couch. Justin was totally wasted. 

"Where was he?"

"Getting his ass drunk at the bar." He replied.

He said he had to go because it was really late. We both told him thanks.                                        I turned to see Justin sleeping like nothing had happened. I too wished  that nothing had happened. I also had to explain Mr. and Mrs Blaze why I was at the hospital and why one of his son's is drunk. Wish me luck.

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