Name: Rayne Revior
Age: 15
Height: 4'8
Race: demon/Angel
Nationality: Russian/ Spaniard
Attire: maid dress, black over the knee socks, 2 inch heels, black gloves
Personality: she is quiet and reserved. She doesnt talk much but she is honest when she does. She only talks when talked to and when she does talk its a whisper and a bit raspy from not using her voice in so long. Much like Sebastian she is meant to be the 'perfect maid'. She came be charming and seductive when needed.
Bio: she was abandoned by her parents when she was five. She was weak and lived in the streets until she was kidnapped and sold to pervert in the black market. Sebastian saved her and offered her a job at the manor. She is rather attached to him and thinks of him as an older brother