Tortured Soul

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         Everything was dark and there was a searing burning pain in his eyes, he had been through three types of torture today.

          First he was tied to a pole and Ogre's beat him with their clubs, the second was being chained to a floor and having cold water drip on his forehead for hours, he almost went insane. the final one was eye replacement, his eyes were once a bright blue like the hero of times which pissed off the new ruler of the dark realm, so she replaced them.

        The last thing he heard her say was "You Should have obeyed me traitor."

         The ruler had not visited him for a week since that day which made Shadow silently thankful. His nails slowly traced cracks in the bricks that made his cell. A metal screech  was heard and footsteps came closer to his cage.

        He backed himself into the corner and crouched down on all fours ready to use any remaining strength to take down his captor. 

        "What she done to you" A soft caring familiar voice.

       Shadows eyes widen and he ran up to the bars delighted to see the familiar soft caring eyes of the wind mage.

       "Vaati you cant possibly imagine how happy i am to see you" Hes voice was scratchy and dry.

        The wind mage gave him a small smile then he frowned "If you stay here she will kill you"

        The smaller looked down already knowing his fate, it was the reason he wasn't being tortured, his execution was to be public and extremely gruesome. He slowly backed away from the bars and ran a hand through his messed up dirty purple locks.

      "well at least i got to see you before i die" Shadow gave him a small smile trying to hide his fear.

      Vaati frowned Shadow was his only friend in the dark realm well him and his older brother Dark. He couldn't let this happen he refused to let this happen, making sure the coast was clear the mage pulled a key from his pocket. The dark being jumped when the steel door squeaked as Vaati pushed it open.

         "Vaati what are you doing?" Shadow tried not to smile.

        "Get out of here quickly before she notices" Vaati stood back giving him space.

         Shadow hugged the wind mage with tears spilling from his eyes, the mage smiled and hugged him back nuzzling his face into the dark purple locks. Vaati wanted to keep him there but it was to dangerous, he let the boy go and stepped back with a smile.

       "Goodbye shadow"

       "Come with me vaati!" He begged

       "Not yet, i'm bound the the queen by contract i must stay"

      "I will find away to free you!" Shadow growled.

       Vaati chuckled his determination always reminded him of the hero of light with that said the mage realized Shadow would never escape the castle as he his the guards would catch him.

     "Shadow please forgive me for this"

     Shadow was just about to ask why when he was hit with a bright light from one of the mages spells. His body felt weird and different and his hair was longer confused he walked to the end of the dungeon and entered the room they used for torture. There was a large dirty full body mirror against the wall and Shadow ran over to it.

       Looking in the mirror his eyes widened, he was female, Vaati stood in the door way with a sheepish smile.

      "Now no one will notice you"
"I hate that I look good as a girl" Shadow examined her body.

Vaati rolled his eyes and conjured a clean dress for the purplette. She  frowned at the garment, it was a plain  black dress with silver designs. Stripping off her tunic, she slips the dress on using a silver sash to tighten it to her waist. Vaati got rid of the old tunic then tried not to laugh as he watched shadow adjust the dress repeatedly.

"You better hurry, dark has a portal opened for you" Vaati shooed the boy towards the door.

"Wait where are you sending me?" Shadow stumbled over her feet.

"The light world"

With that said Vaati led the weak boy out of the dungeon, he looked around the corners making sure it was safe. The coast was clear, Vaati pulled Shadow down the corridor. They past a few gaurds but none of them recognized the purplette.

"Wind mage who is this trespasser?" They froze in their place.

"She happens to be the new maid" Vaati turned and glared at the gaurd.

Shadow gave a small curtsy to the gaurd and smiled against her will. The gaurd nodded starting to walk away, Vaati gave a small sigh of relief. Pushing Shadow gently they continued down the corridor. The adrenaline coarsed through the teens veins the closer she got to her freedom. Vaati opened an old wooden door, Shadow slipped into the dark empty storage room.

There was a transport circle drawn on the floor, it was obviously one Vaati drew. The purplette panicked as soon as she saw something move in the corner of her vision. Grabbing a small dagger she hid up her sleeve, grabbing the shadowy figures arm she went in for the kill.

"Shadow wait!" A deep voice hit her ears.

"Dark?" She released him.

The tall white haired swordsman hugged the small girl close. She didnt hesitate to return the gesture, Shadow enjoyed Darks odd warmth.

"I had to see you off" He pulled away "I'll miss you but we are running out of time."

"What happened?" Vaati looked up from the circle.

"They found his cell empty"

Vaati let out a string of curses as he rushes to activate the circle. Shadow kept her senses on high alert incase some gaurds decided to look in here, she could hear yelling and loud smashing from down the hall. This put Dark on edge, finally the circle started to glow.

" You need to get going, we have some one who's waiting for u" Dark pushed her to the circle.

"It's some one you know so don't worry" Vaati smiled "stay safe Shadow."

Before she could say anything a blinding light flashed the next thing she felt was a soft breeze flow through her hair. Birds singing filled her ears and the sun warmed her skin. She slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the bright light of outside.

"I was worried you got caught, your late"

That voice sent shivers down her spine and her cheeks heat up. She turned, her crimson red eyes locking onto calm cerulean orbs. Her heart skipped a beat as the blonde knight in front of her closed his book. He walked closer to her and smiled, she hated the effect he had on her.


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