Chapter 1

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Ah Kalos region, a beautiful place. It was a place of VERY great beauty. Everyone got along. Some people were just starting their new Pokémon journey... While a certain girl was continuing hers..

*(Y/n)'s p.o.v.*

My alarm for the day went off and I groggily shut it off. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. "Where am I?.... Oh wait, I'm at a hotel. I forgot. Today's my big battle." I said to myself getting out of bed. All my Pokemon were sleeping so I decided to take a shower.

All your Pokémon; I don't care if it's too many Pokemon it's my story so... Lol.

~All Eeveelutions~
~Mega evolving Lucario~
~Mega evolving Charizard~(Mega Charizard X)

When I got out of the shower I put on my outfit. Your outfit is blue jeans, black sneakers, your (f/c)-(Fav color) shirt <it looks like Ash's except the color unless it's blue like Ash's> and a (s/f/c)-(second fav color) hat that looks like ashes, and black fingerless gloves. You have a green backpack with a blue outline and a pokéball on the middle of it.

I came out of the bathroom and saw all of my Pokémon awake. I'm one of those trainers where I like to keep my Pokémon out of their Pokéballs when we are resting or relaxing. Today I was going against Diantha. If I beat her.. I could be a champion. I already won the league so if I beat Diantha I'll be a Pokémon Master. I already beat all the other masters from the other regions and only Diantha was left. I want to be the best I can be. I got out all of my Pokémon's Pokéballs except for pikachu's and Arcanine's. I had a girl Pikachu and a girl Arcanine, and they don't like being in their Pokéballs. I'm fine with it though, I'm not alone for my travels. I put away my charizard, Eeveelutions, and Lucario in their Pokéballs and left the hotel. My Pikachu sat on my shoulder as my Arcanine walked by my side. These two were best friends. I never thought two of my Pokémon would get along that well. When I walked out of the hotel doors the paparazzi bombarded me about winning the Kalos League awhile ago. It's coming up again and I'm going to be there as a special guest to watch and help the trainers. Along with Diantha. The paparazzi got pretty annoying after awhile because I won all of the leagues at all of the regions. I pushed past them along with Arcanine and Pikachu and we walked to a Pokémon restaurant to eat. Once we got in I got all of my Pokémon and myself some food and I walked to the park. I let my other Pokémon out of their Pokéballs and gave them all their food. I was happily munching on my sandwich when four people approached me. Three of them looked at my age while one looked about 8. "Ooh you're a keeper! Please take care of my brother!" The little girl said getting down on one knee with her arms out as the one boy who I assumed to be her brother picked her up with a robot arm. "Bonnie I told you not to do that a million times!! A million and one!" The boy said embarrassed as the little girl just giggled. "Think about it okay?!" She said before being dragged a few feet away. "You're (Y/n) (L/n)!!!! THE (Y/n) (L/n)!" The older girl squealed happily as I set down my sandwich and nodded. "Yeah. Why do you ask?" I asked kind of surprised. I mean, people knew who I was but THIS never happens with a fan. "Who's (Y/n) (L/n)? She sounds familiar." The boy with black hair and an outfit similar to mine asked pondering this for a second. "Only one of the BEST Pokemon trainers ever!" The boy with glasses said smiling. "Really?! That's so cool!" The little girl whose name I heard was Bonnie said smiling. "Heh I guess? I mean I have won all of the leagues in every region.. And I'm going against Diantha today for Title of Pokemon Master." I said shrugging my shoulders and smiling as my Pokémon all cheered. "So cool!! And I'm Serena. I'm a BIG fan!" The older girl said smiling. "I'm Clemont! And you already met my little sister Bonnie." The boy with glasses said smiling as his little sister nodded and smiled. "And I'm ash! And this is my partner Pikachu!" The boy with Raven black hair said smiling as his Pikachu replied "Pikachu." "Nice to meet you all! As you already know I'm (Y/n), and these are my Pokémon, Pikachu, Arcanine, Charizard, Lucario, Espeon, Umbreon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Glaceon, Leafeon, and Sylveon!" I said smiling as they all looked at my Pokémon in astonishment. "They are all so cool!" Ash said smiling as I nodded. "And my Charizard mega evolves into Mega Charizard X while my Lucario mega evolves into Mega Lucario." I said smiling as my Pikachu jumped into my lap. "Cool! It's my dream to become a Pokémon master!" Ash replied as his Pikachu jumped onto the picnic table I was at and mine jumped next to it. "It seems both of your Pikachu's like each other already." Clemont said fixing his glasses as Ash's and my Pikachu's both nuzzled each other's cheeks and were talking to each other. "Cool!" I said smiling as Arcanine leaned against my leg and laid her head in my lap. "You ready to go girl?" I asked petting her head as she put her head up and nodded. "Okay. Hey I have to head to the battle, do you guys want to come and watch? I can get you front row seats!" I said smiling as everyone agreed. "Yeah that'd be awesome to see a Pokémon Master battle!" Ash said punching his fist in the air as Pikachu got back onto his shoulder. "Yeah that would be cool!" Serena said smiling. "Yeah I want to see a battle!" Bonnie said excitedly jumping up and down. I put all of my Pokémon back into their Pokéballs except for Arcanine and Pikachu. "It's cool that you have two girl Pokémon that are usually males." Clemont said looking at my Pokémon and then at me as we started walking. The battle arena wasn't that far so we were fine. "I guess.. I mean, I love all of my Pokémon but these two are the first to not want to be in their Pokéball. Pikachu was the first Pokémon I ever got because I got her from my mom for my tenth birthday. I got more Pokéballs and a Pokédex from the professor here in Lumiose City. "Cool! And Pikachu was the first Pokémon I ever got to. Except I was late to get my starter Pokémon and only Pikachu was left. The first minute I got him he zapped me.. But we're all good now right buddy?" Ash said as his Pikachu nudged him in a loving way. "So where are you guys from?" I asked out of curiosity. "Well Clemont, Bonnie and I are from Kalos. Bonnie and Clemont live here in Lumiose city because Clemont is the gym leader. I lived in the country more because my mom is a professional Rhyhorn racer. She wanted me to be one but my dream is to be a Pokémon performer and she accepts that." Serena said smiling as I nodded. "What about you ash?" I asked as he smiled. "I'm from Pallet Town in the Kanto region." Ash replied looking at me as Pikachu nudged him. "Wait. D-Did you say P-Pallet Town?" I asked as I stopped dead in my tracks as ash nodded. "Yeah." He replied as realization hit and I felt a few tears go down my face and I tackled ash in a hug. "Ash it's me! (Y/n)! I was your best friend in Pallet Town until I had to move here when I was nine remember?" I asked still hugging ash with tears going down my face. "Wait (Y/n)?! It really is you!" Ash said hugging me back, wiping away my tears with his thumbs. "I can't believe it's you.... I thought I would never see you again... We've lost touch for so many years...." Ash trailed off as we let go. "Yeah... But it's good to see you again." I said smiling as ash started to cry. "Wait you two were best friends when you were kids?" Serena asked shocked as me and ash nodded. "Yeah. Me and ash were neighbors and we were best friends until my parents had to move here for a new job. We were nine." I replied as ash wiped away his tears smiling. "Wow what a cool friend reunion." Clemont said smiling as Bonnie smiled and nodded. I looked at my watch and noticed the time. "We need to go before I'm late! C'mon!" I said as me and my Pokémon started to run.

*at the battle arena*

"Finally... We made it." I said panting a little bit and then feeling fine. "Wow *pant* you still *pant* run *pant* fast." Ash said running up to me panting. "What can I say? It's fun! Me and my Pokémon run all the time!" I said smiling as the others finally caught up. "Yeah *pant* too fast." Clemont said out of breath as I took them to their seats and Clemont was the first one to sit down. I went to the cooler at the snack tent and grabbed five waters for everyone. I handed everyone a water. "Thank you!"'Serena said smiling as she opened her water and took a sip. "Ah thanks!" Clemont said relieved chugging his water. "Thank you (Y/n)!" Bonnie said politely drinking some of her water. "Haha thanks!" Ash said smiling as I nodded, my heart beat going a teensie bit faster. "Hey (Y/n)!" Diantha said walking up to me shaking my hand. "Hey Diantha! How are you?" I asked smiling as she smiled back. "I'm good how about you?" She replied as I smiled. "Good! I made some new friends and met up with an old one!" I said gesturing to Clemont, Serena, Bonnie and ash behind me. "Well that's nice! We're going to start in about 15 minutes and they want us to start to get on the battlefield in about 10 minutes." Diantha said as I nodded and she walked away. "I'm sooooo nervous!" I said thinking about failing. "You'll do great (y/n)! I know it!" Ash replied smiling making me smile. I nodded as the cue went off for me and Diantha to go onto the battle field. "Today Pokémon Trainer (Y/n) (L/n), Pokémon league master will be going against Diantha to be a Pokèmon Master. "If she wins, she gets to be a Pokémon Master, if not, better luck next time. Each trainer can substitute in 3 Pokémon so make it count." The speaker said as Diantha brought out Gardevoir. "Okay Pikachu you have to sit this one out, sorry girl. Lucario come on out!" I said as my Pikachu went and sat with Arcanine and the others as Lucario came out. "Lucario quick attack!" I said as Lucario ran towards Gardevoir. They were both in their mega evolution forms so let's see how this goes. "Dodge it and use psychic!" Diantha said as Gardevoir used psychic. "Get up and use metal claw!" "Use Hypnosis!" "Lucario stay awake buddy! Use extreme speed!" "Dodge it and use teleport!" "Use detect and counter!" "Use moon blast! "Dodge it! Quick use bone rush and extreme speed!" There was smoke everywhere. When it cleared out Gardevoir had swirls around its eyes. "Gardevoir Mega is unable to battle. Mega Lucario wins this round!" The speaker announced as me friends and a lot of people cheered. "Yay Lucario we won this round!" I said excitedly as I hugged my Lucario. "Lucario." "I'm very impressed. Now onto the next round." Diantha said smiling as I nodded, showing my determination. "Pikachu lets go!" I said as Pikachu entered the ring. "Hawlucha come on in!" Diantha said as Hawlucha entered. "Hawlucha tackle!" "Pikachu dodge it and use iron tail!" "Dodge and use karate chop!" "Pikachu use thunder wave!" "Hawlucha use aerial ace!" "Dodge it and use nuzzle!" "Use high jump kick!" "Dodge it and use thunderbolt and iron tale!" There was a gigantic explosion like hit and there was smoke everywhere. When it cleared Hawlucha was out. "Hawlucha is unable to battle. Pikachu wins this round! Now for the final round!" The speaker said as Diantha brought out a Pokémon. "Aurorus come on out!" Diantha yelled letting out her Pokémon. "Charizard come on out!" I said letting out my Charizard as he turned into Mega Charizard X. "Charizard use shadow claw!" "Aurorus dodge and use icy wind!" "Get up Charizard and use ember!" "Recover Aurorus recover quickly and use hyper beam and Avalanche!" Diantha said as I watched my Charizard get knocked down from the air with a hyper beam and get attacked with snow. When the mist disappeared my Charizard was out. "Charizard X is unable to play. Diantha wins this round. (Y/n) (L/n) wins the battle!" The speaker said as I returned Charizard and jumped up and down in joy. I walked up to Diantha. "Great battle." I said shaking her hand smiling. "Great job (Y/n), you did great. I hope to battle you again soon." She said smiling as I nodded. Arcanine came over and tackled me in a Pokémkn hug and Pikachu came over and hopped on top of me too. "Aww come on guys get off please. I love you two but I can't breathe!" I said as my two Pokémon got off of me and I sat up on the ground. "(Y/n) you did great! That was the BEST battle I've ever seen! So intense!" Ash said as him and the others came up to me. "O-oh. Well, t-thank you ash." I said blushing a little bit as he gave me his hand to help me up. I took it and I stood up. "Yeah that was awesome!" Bonnie said excited as I smiled. Pikachu managed to get onto my shoulder in the process of talking. "Yeah that was pretty cool! Especially to see three different Pokémon evolve in one battle!" Clemont said fixing his glasses smiling. "Yeah that was pretty cool (Y/n)!" Serena said smiling. Btw in the story Serena isn't going to be jealous because I don't want to be mean. I can't make Serena jealous! And also u , ash and Serena are 16 1/2 while Clemont is 17.

I have 2,489 words in this!! Wow!!

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