Die For You

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  It all started when sabrina and I wanted to go shopping and draged along with us Andy And Ashley. and yes Andy Biersack and Ashley Purdy. The two boys our lives revolve around. We loved them and knew they loved us back. . . As friends i meen that all we were nothing more. . . I think. Ohh yeah and by the way im Rikkie Stars im 19 i have brownish green eyes, black hair(fershur) and am about 5'7 (the hight of an elf andy says) and my best friend well shes Sabrina Slasher. Some people think thats not her real last name but it is, And i personaly LOVE IT. . Who wouldnt.? Sabrina the cutest little pickle in the jar. Her nicknames Green Bean she has black hair with green streaks, dark brown eyes and always wears eyeliner no matter what. Andy and Ashley, well you already knoe all about them.

"Why do we have to come with you two.!" Andy exclaimed. "Because we dont feel like going without the company of such strong young men right next to us." i said sarcasticly. i can hear a faint chukle from Ashley on the backround. "ASHLEYYYY.! . . . your not leaving me alone with Andy And Rikkie your coming too." 

Sabrina had a small crush on Ashley as i did with Andy but we decided to keep that from them. I think it was our best idea to sence we tell them everyythingg literaly.

"Yeah Ash you have to come im noy staying alone with these two." says Andy politly as possible. "Fine. Ill go." Ashley says.

I personaly thought either Andy nor Ashley would come with Sabrina and I. They usally never do. But i guess we bug them enough to were they would come with us just this time.

"I need a new jacket anyways." Ashley slips out. "And i need new boots." Andy says aloud

So we got in my amazing and fast green camero and sped away.

Once we had gotten to the mall andy and Ashley got out of the car and pulled out a ciggarette. And them standing ther Sabrina and I just Slapped the ciggarettes right out of there mouths and they were the last two in the box. Andy and Ashley shouted "HEY WHATS UP WITH THAT COME ON.!" Sabrina and i walk towrd the stores giggling while Andy and Ashley follow behind us.

"So where are we going.?" Asked Andy. "We dunno." I retorted. "So we came here just so we vould walk around intill we find a store you want somthng from.?" Said Ashley. "Pretty Much." Sabrina And I said back.

Ashley and Andy mutter about us slapping there "treats" out of there mouths while Sabrina and i talk of things we want. "I would like a pair of jeffree star pink high heels" i say. "oooohh yesss me too but i wouldnt have anything to match." Andy Buts in "Where do they sell Leather things and such.?" "uhm im not so sure maybee thee . . . uhmm. . . i dont knoe" I say sheepishly. "well then why is my presance here needed.?" Andy Shouts. "Because Andy The Love you and i share has not a limit of where it appears i think we should tell them now." i say in the most sarcastic voice i can make. " Well Rikkie you . . . you should just go walk off and do your little breakdown." "Well Andy Let Me tell you my breakdown is insane i dont think you can handle it." Andy Replies "That interview was fun." "but i wasnt there." Ashley says whining. "IF YOUR HAPPY AND YOU KNOE IT CLAP YOUR HANDS.!!" Sabrina Shouts Aloud. I sware somtimes this girl has the most random things going through her mind to i said to her "Sabrina we all knoe about your purple nurple hippo panda that has butter nutt orgasms." "ohhhh that sounds fuhnn" Sabrina says interestingly.

we all walked into HotTopic where id say all the workers and a few kids come up to Andy And Ashley asking for pictures while me and Sabrina stood back And shoped for chains shirts tutus and warpaint. Once the little croud of people died down around Andy And Ashley They Wanted to leave so we headed back to the camero Ashley And i were oh so enjoyed with. It was a nice new camero lime green shiny black rims supersport although i could just barely see over the steering wheel though the front windsheild. While in the car we listend to some old favorites like misfits and danzig. You knoe homey stuff. When We pulled into the driveway of my home we got out and decided to order pizza we let andy pick and of course he order plain cheese and bacon pizza. Figures. While waiting for it to bedeliverd we played Some music puored some "drinks" if you knoe what i meen and had a little party of our own. When we heard the sound of the ding dong door bell Sabrina yelled "I WANNA GET IT I WANNA GET IT" she rushed herself to the door and opend it. "that will be 11.95" says the man. "Ill ask for money" says sabrina to the zippy pizza man. "ASHLEY RIKKIE ERR ANDY I NEED MONEYYY.!" Sabrina shouts. "hereeee." i Say in a calming tender voice. (. . x). .) Sabrina runs back to the door and hands the man the money. He takes it hands sabrina the pizza and leaves in his little silver beamer. Sabrina brings in the pizza and sets it on the counter Andy And Ashley Demolish it.

A few hours later Andy and Ashley drunker than ever sit aside Sabrina And i on the Couch while we are watching daredevil just to make fun of it. Ashley leans in near sabrinas Face and whispers to her, "You wanna go back to the room and you knoe" Ashley makes hand motions. " uhmm I dont think so ash your drunk and your a player and i dont think it trust you right now".

"come on i knoe you gotta crush on me"

"yeah but not when you drink. maybe when your sober and have a little sence in your mind'

While Ashley And Sabrina bicker Andy Leans over . . me not knowing of course. . and kissed me on the lips and just starts pushing his face into mine grabbing my hair with one hand and holding it. Me i would never pass the chanse to make out with andy we never have befor and he had never shown any emotions like this for me befor so i went along with it. besides he Wont remember anything in the morning right.? andy sqeezez in between kisses " lets go back to the room" So he picks me up and carried me to the room and throws me on the bed Still stradleing me stroking his hands though my hair and acroos my face. We are just laying in my bed doing what i never thought would happen. When he reaches for the botten on my pants and puts one hand up my shirt, when i slap his hand away. I dont knoe why i did it but it happend. He ignored it and went back and i slapped his hand away agian. He Said "Whats Wrong.?" I relpied " I dont think im ready for that yet i dont think you are either your drunk and dont knoe what your doing and i shouldnt have went along with it"

"but i knoe you like me"

" i knoe i do but i dont think you likr me maybe when your sober and you feel the same way we will go up a step from friendship but i dont want to ruin what we have right now."

"i understand" says Andy. He bottons my pants back and walks me back into the living room where we see Ashley trying to plant one on Sabrina But he dosnt Succeed andy yells to him "ASH just stop its not gunna happen" "thank you Andy" says Sabrina relieved. "lets go ash" Says Andy. "alright" says ash. Andy walks up to me and says "so ill see you tomorow.?" i replied "yeah" He sneaked it a little kiss and hugged me then Sabrina and walked out with Ashley.

I say to sabrina "THAT WAS CRAZEE MAZIN. . . But nothing happend"

"Same here" says Sabrina.

"well ima go to bed now soooo. . . NIGHT BRINAA.!'

"good night rikkiee good night."

thsnks for reading thats all thats the end sabrina inspired by lillyee ^.^ KBYE

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