What is pain?

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Is pain a shadow staying with you everywhere you go never going away?

Is it a creature of the dark sneaking up on you at night whispering in your ear everything you did wrong and everything that is painful to you?

Is it the creature making you remember the painful memories telling you it's all your fault you deserve to live with me all your life and the only escape is to leave this world?

Is it something that just lies within you and comes out at the wrong times?

Is it your brain playing painful memories over and over again as if your at the scene but more painful each time you remember it?

Is pain an understatement of what you go through everyday and every-night of you life?

Is pain coming home everyday and/or night cutting yourself till you feel better but only makes you feel worse so you keep on doing it?

Is pain something that haunt's you in your sleep?

pain, does it prowl around looking for its next victim?

Does pain just make you feel lost and alone in this world?

Maybe pain is a combination of all of these if not then what is pain? what does pain do? What is it doing here? Why did pain choose me? I never asked for the pain I never called for pain and yet it's still here. When pain comes around and creeps into my head i feel lost and alone yet i'm surrounded by friends and family.

Pain can come through a song through a familiar sound. Pain can come through a strike of a memory so is that what pain is just a memory or is it from something we create inside ourselves?

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