You took my hand and we both started running (Mike Fuentes)

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A/N for the beautiful xxBlackveil_Armyxx

Meghan's POV

I smiled, looking at Mike dreamily. Gosh, he was cute. So so so cute. I know he'd never notice me though. I mean I was just another one of his band mates' little sisters. Turtle was my big bro, loved the smol bean to death. But I really like Mike. Sheesh. Aren't I heels over head? I pulled and played with my Collide With The Sky shirt. It was an oldie, but a goodie. I loved Misadventures, my favorite song being Circles. (A/N sorry if that's not your favorite song from the album lol)

"You took my hand and then we both started running..." I hum, walking around the venue for the show. I was extremely bored and there was still a few hours of the show. I see Lani and Vic holding hands and giggling, sharing cotton candy together. It was cute. They were definitely the power couple of the band. They had been dating for around 3 years now. I groaned, looking at the sky as it started to rain. Lani screamed, starting to cry. I snapped my head over, looking at Vic proposing. I sigh, hoping they're happy. I jump when suddenly I'm covered by an umbrella. I look over and up, seeing Mike. I blush a deep shade of red.

"H-Hi Mike." I say softly. He smiles at me.

"You know, you look pretty dry, but you're super cute all wet and make-up smeared. I like this side of you." He blurts. He blushes lightly when he realized what exactly he had said. I giggle, smiling at him.

"Thanks Mike. You're really cute when you blush." I giggle, smiling. I move some brown hair from my face, looking at him with my eyeliner everywhere. He smiles, a blush stained on his cute cheeks.

"Why thank ya, cutie." He winks, starting to lead me. He leads me to a cute table with an umbrella keeping it dry. He sits me down, sliding his jacket over your shoulders. I blush and smile at him. He sits across from me, a hot chocolate and soup being delivered in front of me. I smile, starting to sip and eat.

"This is great Mike thank you." I smile, finishing my food.

"You're welcome. Now since this was our first date, I was thinking you'd be my girl? What do you say, Meghan?" He asks. I blush deeply, staring at him in shock.

"I-I-I've BEEN IN LOVE WITH YOU FOR 3 YEARS!" I blurt excitedly. My eyes widen when I come to realization at what I had stupidly blurted.

"I-I-I'm so s-sor-" I stutter, but he leans over, kissing me softly. I blush impossibly deeper, kissing back. He cups my face, pulling away softly.

"Now you're my girl, okay beautiful?" He chuckles. I smile and nod happily.


Lol honestly though I hope you liked this, you beautiful bean.

With love,


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