52 - May 2, 2016

42 3 2

"Missing you"

Memories flashing in my mind.
From the first time I heard your voice,
Annoying, yet sweet that brings
A strange feeling inside my stomach.

Your laughs brings tingling inside my ear.
And I think it will stay and remain forever in my mind.
Your memories. Our memories. Happy and Inlove.

Every night, I did and still hear your voice.
It haunts and chase me even in my dreams and
Every time I woke up In the middle of the night,
I'd always hoped that it was just a dream.
That you're still here, talking to me, talking about how your day ends.
And telling me that you missed me.

How I wish I could turn back the time.
How I wish I could hear your voice again.
And how I wished you would love me again.
How I wish.

Writing this, can't help myself to catch my breath.
It's something like, something was stuck in my throat,
that even swallowing is hard for me to do.

A single thought of you makes my heart ache.
A single thought of you laughing, makes my eyes water.
A single thought of you calling my name, made me realize how much I'm missing you.

I hate how much, I long for you.
I hate how much, I crave for you.
I hate how much, I love you.
And I hate to admit that until now I'm hurting,
And still missing you so bad.


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