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“Stop it, you dork!” You giggle, shoving at Andys shoulder playfully. He grins at you, laughing as you threaten to shoot him with a water gun.

“Don’t do it!” He warns. “I swear to god if you —.”

You squeeze the trigger, squirting him right in the face.

“(Y/N)!” he bellows, staggering back as he swipes at his pretty face, and you give a peel of laughter as he chases after you. You dart hastily away across the stage, ducking beneath Jakes arm as he motions around at something,  his face turning surprised as Andy barrels past him after you. 

“I’m going to get you!” He shouts as you swerve around the corner, dropping to your knees as you crawl under the curtain, grinning to yourself.

Poor Andy.

He was so slow to have such long legs.

The guys were playing at this venue tonight, and then afterwards they were going out to celebrate CCs birthday,  which is also the reason you were along for the ride. Being his younger sister had its perks, and you saw the guys of his band like they were more big brothers.

Well, mostly.

You shriek as you feel Andys arms close around you, whirling you in a circle with a triumphant shout the moment you stagger to your feet.

“Ha! Got ya!”

“Noo! Cheater!”

“How am I cheating?  You’re the one standing around,” he laughs, slowly letting you go, grinning. You twirl around to face him, knowing better then to turn your back on him; he was as much of a prankster as CC was.

Your hands go to your hips as you look up at him, his bright eyes meeting yours for a few seconds, that amused spark to his eye letting you know he was having fun.

Andy always had fun when you were around, you were the life of the party. You could light up any room you walked in too, and CC was always grinning when you chose to visit. You didn’t come around often, too busy with college, but you tried to stay up to date with everyone. 

There hadn’t been a time Andy wasn’t excited to see you and didn’t have a blast. You were always up to something mischievous,  just like your brother, and the two of you were quite a pair.

You grin up at Andy.

Water droplets still gleam on his face, and your hand raises automatically to brush them away. Andy shivers at your cold touch, and you chuckle, letting your hand drop to his chest where you give a harsh shove, forcing him a few steps back before taking off again.


“Okay, kids, bring it in!” You hear Jake call as the two of you zig zag through the venue floor, now facing off with a table between you. “We actually have a show to do!”

“Yeah, c’mon, sis, I’m the one you’re supposed to be spending time with!” CC whines as he steps from behind the curtain that was drawn across the stage, pouting playfully. “Where’s the love?”

“The love was in the birthday cake I brought with me,” you call up to him, but straighten nonetheless, Andy relaxing as well. “Mom baked it just for you.”

CC grins; the guys had devoured the home made cake not long after you’d arrived, and you’d barely gotten a piece out of it. Your mom was an excellent cook, something that hadn’t been passed down to her kids.

“So you’re gonna be good back stage?” CC asks, his arm looping around your neck as the two of you walk towards their dressing room, your arm tucked around his waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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