Hello my name is Jessie I am13 I have a very bad dad.Okay let me tell you that again hello my name is jessie I am 13 and I have a lovely dad. I love swimming and playing out with my friends Molly and Erin. I wonder to my self is my dad is annoying yes is the answer I hated am it wen that happens it is not right. after swimming I work home with my friends it is cool very cool.one time I got tack to a now school in New York it was very busy but still it was OK .a man in a Wight van put me in the back of his van their was Erin and Molly we hat to get a job but it was a slave it was not existing but it was ok. my dad was liking for me but it was no Point I was gone for ever it was disappointment all over town . the next day I packet my belongings and set of to fans my dad it was a long year of finding him and now I have fond him he will not let my go out by my self o but I am slows out with my friends I love my dad a lot .I am now home I am so happy and I am with my dad but I miss my mum she sound of not gone in weld war 2.wen I went I remembered my mum a lot also dad but not a lot.I got my ears Pitts my dad was very Annie and I draws a lot I love very one even the horrible Mrs and Mr Brown tell me what to do I am happy to be home.That is what I did when I was a lost girl
the lost girl
Short Storya girl called Jessie go's swimming she gets kidnapped by a kidnapper for a long time ......................