Hey my dancing pandas im Elaina and this is dumb fan fic moments bc im tired of seeing stupid shiznit on wattpad.....HERE WE GO
1. OMG YOU DONT HAVE ANY CARROTS, Louis said, I Am GOING TO GO DIE IN A HOLE!!!!!!!111!!!!11!
2. Niall was the blonde haired irish boy from ireland.
No really i thought he was a red haired jamaican named billy.
3. He asked for entrance.
wow didnt know you were a door
4.In every story theres either MIa, Hannah, or Kylie like seriously.
5. ORBS. nuff said
6. When all there is on this planet is starbucks.
7. Kylie gets cancer
8. I luff u hrnry we gon b togetha foeva cuz wee reallll lyk dat
9. thrres never a black girl
lyk freal doe
10. nandos is the only restaurant in the world
likr what about kfc and McDonald's....