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Chapter one- The light in the cave

      The light was unbearable, and it seemed to be grasping me with such a grip, my soul had no choice but to leave me, safe from being demolished. The pressure weighing over me was un-worldly... un-hear of... Sort of like magic. It had escaped it's deathly prison, the one that could hold in a giant, wild, untamed beast, just waiting to bust out and go on a cold blooded human killing spree... but how could magic escape such a place? I had no idea. I knelt down to the pressure that was pulling me down like a million tons of gravity. The light slowly got bigger, and bigger, swelling like an out of control fungus. I had fianally gave completely in, and i fell flat to the ground. I pulled my way furthur from the light, but i got so far only to be dramatically dragged back. I clawed at the cave floor as i was being sucked back towards the light, even possibly into it. My head smashed against the cave wall and a huge boulder that fell from my frantic screaming. A thick red blood came rushing over my eyes as i struggled to stay as far as possible away from the blinding light. No, i knew this was the end. My legs- they were gone. My stomache- gone. Everything kept dissapearing until i was no more. I had been officialy swallowed by the light.

 Chapter two- Jessica

      "Mom! You may be an autourney at law but you can't handle this yourself! He could- he could kill you for all i know!" "Honey, please don't worry about me. I need to get him under control, yes, but i don't need law enforcement in this-- in fact law enforcement is the last thing i need under the conditions of my up coming case. It's a total blow out if i get the police involved. The case will litteraly blow up. Let adults do what adults need to do" Rushed Jessica, as she grabbed her bag, her coffee mug, and her coat. She slipped the backs of her stilletos on and continued on her way leaving. She pulled out a mirror, mimicked with her red lipstick, and hugged her daughter. "I have to leave now. Stop worrying."

      Jessica sat in a deliberation meeting, taking words out of context and writing them into notes. Her phone started buzzing uncontrolably. "Miss Evans, would you care to step out of the meeting for a moment?" Asked the advisor. "No sir, i just-" Is all she worded out until she was interupted. "Miss Evans." She slowly sat up and gathered her things around. She walked out through the glass doors and made her way franticaly to her office. She slammed her things down and picked up her phone. She read-

      Hey baby. Just wondered if you wanted me to come over tonight and kill you? Haha, i never thought i would say that before. I was just wondering- since iv'e escaped the mental ward and everything. See you tonight.  ~Matt

Jessica's face switched pale white and she dropped her phone. She scrambled to find the Mental Ward's number. Throwing files and planers and papers and agreements, she fianally found it. She glanced at her cell phone and turned quickley to pick up her work phone. 

"Hello? This is Jessica Danvis- atourney at law- i just recieved a text from an ex boyfriend of mine- Matt? He basically confirmed his coming to kill me!"

"Mam, we are going to forward your call..."

"No! He has escaped from YOUR mental institution!"

"Mam, we don't have a Matt in our logs..."

She dropped the second phone of the day. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. "No.... NO! This isn't real! This is a dream!" Tap tap tap. She slowly turned her head towords the under wage of her desk. "I came early." 



Chapter Two- There she goes

    There they were face to face. He eerily stood up and held his hand out. A crystal blue ball of light hovered just above his masculant hand. "That..... What is that?" "This is magic. You know, the kind that can escape a prison meant for a cold blooded beast waiting to go on a killing spree... in other words... me." Jessica ran for her desk and pulled open a safe. She quickly turned the lock and snapped it open. She pulled out a gun and loaded it. She aimed it towords Matt, almost completely ready to pull the trigger. "Matt, i swear. I will. Just put the ball away and no one will get hurt." "No one is going to get hurt but you. He threw the light ball through the window. The glass cracked into a million tiny peices and broke completely through. She pulled the trigger. BANG BANG BANG. He only said, "No. I would never hurt you, love. You just don't get it. My mind games are riddle's you live by. Just keep on guessing correct." And in a flash, he was gone.

     Jessica sat down in her chair and did a heavy sigh. "How did i get myself into this." She looked through the window, which mysteriously was back to a whole form. Not a single crack. She opened her door and no one had heard a thing. Within an instant she spun around to see a neat stack of files on her desk, a locked safe still hidden, untouched, as if there was no threat at all. "Nothing had happened." She repeated to herself. She sipped her coffee and continued back into the confrence room. "These stupid mind games."

 Chapter three- The daghter

     "How was your day, mom..." "Um... good!" Said Jessica. "Something happened mom. I can tell by the way your acting.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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