The top 15 reasons why you need to watch it
1) You'll FIND out what a Hufflepuff is
2) You'll be wanting to transfer to Pigfarts
3) You'll see Dumbledore wearing a High School Musical shirt
4) You'll see Voldemort dance
5) You'll see Harry Potter with a guitar
6) You'll be saying 'Totally Awesome'
7) You'll FIND out who like Hermione Granger
8) The songs will get stuck in your head
9) You'll rewatch it many times after that
10) You'll hear Voldemort and Quirrell sing
11) You'll see Ron and Ginny, but mostly Ron, eating food
12) You'll see that Snape and Dumbledore only take points from Gryffindor
13) Cedric Diggory will tell you what a Hufflepuff is
14) You'll want to draw homemade Dark Marks on your arm all the time
15) It will make you laugh your head off