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-/:/ Poppy's POV-/:/

I woke up at 5:30 to hear the blaring sound my my alarm and to my brother shaking my shoulders .

" What is it ?" I grumbled like a monster.

He replied with a girly giggle glancing at his phone the bastard was videoing me .

" Micheal" I sheriked jumping up .

Michaels back from tour . YASS .

He engulfed me in a hug.

" Hey baby sis" he softly whispered .
" Hey big bro" I mumbled back .
" Why'd ya wake me " I groaned.
" Your alarm woke you " he giggled a girly giggle.

I groaned I'm up so I'd better get ready my face is gonna be fleekage for school .

" Oh and by the way we're having a party tonight " micheal laughed leaving my room .

" Um ok " I slap my hand against my head and shut my door .

" Ok shower " I run into the bathroom and turn on the shower and step in .

" Rub a dub a dub " I cheesily sang

" Scrub a dub a dub " A faint voice sang back .

" Hello " I yelled .

" Tis me " I hear a faint giggle that must be Ashton ' Drunk ' Ashton .

" Bye Ashton " I yell as I wash the shampoo conditioner 2 in 1 out my hair and step out the shower wrapping a towel round body and I walk out into my room to notice a dismantled lamp on my floor .

I scanned my room and noticed a large pair of thin legs in black skinny jeans and a bit of a blonde quiff sticking up out of the top of my lilac lampshade.

" Luke out " I pointed to the door letting out a small laugh .

" Am not Luke am a lamp shade " He giggled in funny voice .

" Well lampshade out you get " my cheeks started to turn red .

Luke then left my room with the lampshade still on his head.

I sighed and walked over to my oak wardrobe .

I pulled out a green white and black tartan flannel , Black shorts and a tee with words on it ( Pic at top ).

I lightly curl my long brown hair and start to apply my makeup .

I put on my foundation but I still look like a ghost cause I'm pale AF then I do my eyebrows making sure the on point enough to kill a bitch  , I then put on my eyeliner after about 3 attempts I fleek the flick and Smile a proud smile admiring the fleekage of my eyeliner a rare event and apply red matte lipstick.

I head into Michael's room to see the four ' man babies ' all drinking beer .

" Heyyy " Luke slurred .
" Hey pretty girl " Ashton giggled and my cheeks tinted red .

" Hi " Calum waved over the only non drunk one .

" Meow " Micheal looked in my direction .

" let's take a selfie " Ashton jumped up at Luke and Micheal cheered .

" Um ok " My eyebrows squint together.

" Wait " Ashton pauses us and takes the cap of Calum's head and places it backwards on mines .

" Now go " He giggles starting to get on my nerve .

We all arange in a height order Luke at the back me at the front beside Micheal and Ashton and Calum leaning over at my side .

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