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once there was a place called Highgarden, in the land of Westeros in the South. where the most beautiful flowers bloom and crops where the most healthy and fresh fruits and vegetables were planted under the blue sky, and a castle where a family loved by people, The Tyrells is a noble family in the south, and Mace Tyrell is the lord of Highgarden, and his mother Olenna Tyrell was clever, and he has two magnificent children who he loved with all his heart, Loras Tyrell a good fighter, the Knight of Flowers and loves sword fighting and jousting, but was never clever as his grandmother, but a beautiful, clever and was loved by many poor people in Highgarden. Margaery Tyrell of Highgarden, was young and was generous to many poor people in Highgarden, was a maid for 14 years

One Morning, the 10-year- old lady Tyrell woke up from her bed, the sun was shining through her eyes as she opened her blue eyes, she suddenly heard someone walking in to her chambers, "Margaery, grandmother wants you to get up." It was her dear brother Loras, Margaery stretched her arms and smiled at her brother. "I'm coming, let me get ready for a while dear brother." Loras left her room and she started to brush her brown curly hair with her handmaidens, she wore her blue dress as it was her favorite dress, after the handmaidens brushed her hair they all left the room, Margaery stood up from her chair and walked to the door, as she opened the door she heard something from her window, she turned around and saw a girl with brown hair stealing a doll from her bed, "HEY THAT'S MY DOLL!" Margaery yelled and the guards heard her screams, the girl quickly jumped off the window and ran off to escape, but Margaery didn't let the girl go, she ran outside just to catch that girl, Margaery went through the crowded place and she saw the girl running in the orphanage, she quickly ran in the orphanage and she disappeared from her sight, Margaery didn't give up looking for the girl, she ran all around the orphanage while the orphans and the ladies greeted her, until she saw the girl in a room, "Hey thief!" Margaery yelled, the girl turned to Margaery with a terrified face "don't make me tell my father that you stole my doll! he will punish y-"
"I'm sorry my lady!" the girl cried and Margaery stopped yelling, she started to pity the girl. "I only stole it because if I didn't, The bullies who bullied me will make fun of me again for not being brave enough, I wanted to prove them that I am and told them to steal something from your room." The girl gave the doll back to Margaery "please have mercy, my lady, don't hurt me." the girl started to cry again, "you know.. this doll was given by my mother to me." Margaery sighed and helped the girl up "Take it, it's yours." she smiled, "b-but lady Margaery-"
"no buts." the girl smiled a bit and bowed at Margaery "thank you lady Margaery!" she stopped sobbing "what's your name?"
"Xandra, my lady." Xandra said, the girl has brown hair, very thin and tall
"last name?"
"i don't have one, my lady. My parents abandoned me when i was still a baby." Margaery sighed and gave the orphan a hug, "Don't worry, we're friends now, I'll take you out of this orphanage and make you my handmaiden, okay?" Xandra looked at Margaery with wide eyes and a real smile appeared on the girl's face and said "Thank you, Lady Margaery." Margaery smiled and looked at Xandra's eyes, it was the very rare eye color, purple. "you have purple eyes, are you sure you don't know your parents?" Margaery asked her
"no my lady" she answered
"then you must be really special to have them." Margaery said, Xandra just gave her a smile and her smiled reached her ears, in short she is very happy.

back in the castle of Highgarden, Margaery brought home her friend, Xandra. "Finally you have made a friend, Margaery. you've been reading books and help the orphans in your whole life." Olenna, Margaery's grandmother said to her granddaughter "Grandmother please?" Margaery chuckled, "this is Xandra, i'm gonna make her my handmaiden." Xandra bowed down to Olenna "oh dear child, I am no queen for you to bow"
"I want show respect my lady"
"non sense, just kiss my hand instead child." Xandra stood up and kissed Olenna's old hands "you have purple eyes, child. what family did you come from?"
"i have no idea who my family is my lady."
"she will get her own room and start her job at the morning, now have a good sleep child, and you too my dear granddaughter." Olenna yawned "oh well, i'm off to bed, i should go get my beauty sleep, goodnight darlings." Margaery chuckled and looked at Xandra "i'm sorry about my grandmother, she somehow have this sassiness in her." Xandra snickered and started to laugh, "I know, I'm sorry my lady."
"don't be, come." she smiled, Margaery walked Xandra in the gardens at nightfall, "so tell me about yourself, Xandra." Xandra sighed "There's nothing much to know about me, all I know is that I'm an orphan and a stupid little girl."
"you're not stupid, you'll be a fine handmaiden and a friend to me." Margaery smiled and it made Xandra smile too as she was never told by anyone that she isn't stupid.
"Here's your room, and you get up before the sun rises everyday, and you shall go to my room before i wake up, understand?" Margaery said, Xandra smiled and hugged the young Tyrell "thank you for getting me out from the orphanage." she said. Margaery smiled and slowly pulled away "you deserve here, now I have to go. Good night, Xandra."

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