You are receiving this email because you are a user of the fastest-growing Dating App, ChatMeUp Pro.
Dear Loyal ChatMeUp User,
Welcome to Version 2.57!
With your latest update, the following bugs have been fixed:
🔳 Messages - messages are not deleted when a window is accidentally closed or crashes. Messages are now automatically saved to Drafts.
🔳 Video - window does not crash when the volume is turned up or down.
More importantly, with this latest release, the following features have been added:
🎞 VIDEO CHAT MOBILE SUPPORT - Users can now turn the video chat feature on while on mobile. Only units with front-facing cameras are supported.
👐🏽 FINGER KISS - Whether next-door or abroad, kiss your partner by touching the same spot on your phone and make your phone vibrate.
🗑 SPACE-SAVER - Draft messages older than 15 days are now automatically deleted to save memory resource.
*these features are activated on default upon installation of latest update. Please deactivate them via the settings tab if you do not wish to use them.
Happy chatting,
📳 ChatMeUp 💓
Hello, Richard: The Secret Correspondence
Fanfic#1 in Fan Fiction (8/9-27, 29-present/16) Set in an alternate universe where Nicomaine becomes PA to a certain Alden Richards, the biggest thing to hit the Asian Movie World, thanks to his unexpected blockbuster drama, "Lonesome". Unbeknownst to ev...