The First Perception

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     As Elizabeth sat on the aeroplane with the package in her hand hundreds of thoughts ran through her head.  At a point she wondered if she had done the right thing, A few moments later she started to feel a small tingling feeling and she knew what was coming.

                                                                     Three weeks ago                                                                                    "Elly come do the dishes !"shouted her mother. Elizabeth Sterling is an average young lady that lives with her mother alone and unfortunately does not know her father. She attends Broxford High School for girls and she finds it easy to fit in, but is a bit antisocial. When she is at home she mostly watches television and helps out her mom with the chores. At school Elly has only one enemy, Shanice. Shanice is not a bully but she just didn't like Elly, so Shanice decided to pick a fight with Elly, at lunch Shanice did all sorts of stuff to irritate Elly. Elly finally snapped and shoved Shanice to the floor, Shanice got up, raised her hand to punch Elly and that's when it happened. Everything stopped and Elly started to feel  rapid vibrations through her body, it felt like a siezure but it wasn't ,the next thing she saw was the principal coming down the isle and heading her way. Everything went back to normal and Elly felt a hard hit to her face she fell to the floor and layed there for a while still shocked from what she has seen and been through. As Elly tried to get up she saw the principal grabbing shanice as the other students helped her get up and brought her to the school nurse. One of her eyes had a stinging pain and was shutting down because of what she had saw, the nurse aided her quickly and sent her on her way. When Elly  was released it was time for here to go home, she didn't talk to her mom, she just ran to her room thinking. Elly heard a knock at her room door, it was her mother, her mother came in and gave her a mail that was sent for her. When she opened it she instantly remembered she had entered a competition to draw an image showing how the earth is been destroyed by humans and their inventions. She had won a one week trip to The Bahamas, she was living in the United States Of America at the time, her spirits quickly rose as she hugged her mother and screamed with joy. She had three weeks to get ready for the trip, it felt like nothing as the three weeks flew by and luckily for her the trip would start on the first day of summer so she did not have to worry about school, Elly's mother packed everything she needed for the trip but sadly Elly's mother  could not go because of work. Elly's mother did not want to deprive Elly of this opportunity so she was willing to send her on her own. Ellys mom got a taxi cab and sent her on her way to the airport. While Elly was in the taxi she was thinking about her visions and why it had happen, so she went on google and searched about it, she found out that the right name for the visions was precognition. She was wondering if she would be able to do it again or if she would be able to control it, she wondered why it had happened to her and if she could get rid of it if she wanted to. Elly decided that she would not think about that and just focus on her trip to the Bahamas so she relaxed and enjoyed her trip to the airport. "Bahamas here I come"said Elly excitedly

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