Stone walks up the pack steps, even from out here, she can hear the laughter, they were living, truly living, before they can open the door she's knocked on Stone rushes back into the taxi and orders him to take her into the city.
She couldn't do it, she couldn't walk inside, she doesn't seem to feel the need to see them much less them see her. If they really wanted her they wouldn't have gotten rid of her in the first place. Amoura rents a room by the airport and waits out her two-week vacation.
Halfway through her vacation, Stone wakes up to knocking on her door, "so its true, you really are home," it takes Stone a few seconds to realize it's her mother on the other side of the threshold.
"You and I have different definitions of home," she makes an effort to close the door but her father stops her, "Amoura!" They plead, "go away." She forces the door shut.
"Amoura! Open this door!" Amoura walks over to her duffle bag and grabs her iPod and puts the music loud enough to block the banging on the door.
"We're not going away, Amoura." She calls hotel management and has them forcibly removed. Stone stares at the aircon as she questions how it is they knew she was here. She wakes up to footsteps, she looks down and see's her iPod is dead. She gets up and charges it, "Amoura open up." She stares at the door as her father leans against it. "Amoura I know you can hear me."
"Go away. I don't want to see you," she stares at the door, "is that why you didn't come to the pack house? Amoura open up we need to talk."
"I couldn't exchange my ticket that's the only reason I'm here, ignore me and go away, there's nothing I need to hear from you." Stone speaks up as her iPad lights up. Sirius shifts his weight, "I do. And if you open up we can talk." Stone looks away, "go away."
"No you're my daughter it's my job to be here for you, it's my job-" she cuts him off, "to protect me? You send me off to die. How is that protecting me? Well congratulations father, you succeeded. I'm not dead, I just wish I was, you did a great job in protecting your child, now leave me alone."
"Amoura please don't say that." Stone looks up when she hears the pain in his voice, "your mother and I were doing what we thought was best to keep you safe." Stone stares blankly at the door, "well you failed, so go away and leave me be."
"I'm sorry I failed as a father," He walks away as his words struck a chord with Stone, "you're not the only one who failed," Stone mutters as she squeezes the edge of the bed.
Stone wakes up with a headache and the sun on her face, she gets up and closes the curtain, she sees her mom look up at her from the parking lot.
A knock on the door reminds her she was about to do something, she closes the curtains and turns around, "Amoura we need to talk," Sirius speaks up from the other side of the door, "there's nothing left to say."
"There's plenty to say," he pauses, "I rather say this face to face but since you won't open up, I'll say it here. Amoura the reason you were born so weak is that you're a chance baby," Stone stares at the door, "that's not possible you and mom are mates." Sirius stays quiet as Stone reaches the conclusion he hasn't said, "I'm not your daughter."
"So that's why it was so easy to dispose of me." Stone comments as an after thought, Sirius growls, "you are my daughter, blood or no blood. You have been my daughter since the moment I held you. You are my child and nothing you say or do will ever make you disposable, you hear me. Nothing." Stone pulls her eyes away as she sits down and stares at her reflection in the TV screen, "tell it to someone who will believe you, cause I don't." Stone stares at her reflection.
"I'm not your daughter, you raised me but biologically I'm not yours so leave me be," Sirius lays his head against the door, "you are my daughter from the second I held you to my last breath, you will be my child."
Stone doesn't look away from her reflection, "go. The person you're trying to reach is gone, you should follow suit."
"Amoura? Open up. Amoura you are my daughter, we wanted to tell you sooner but things got complicated, with the pack under attack, with you rebelling at all corners and your mother being pregnant," Stone looks at the door.
"So you didn't have time to tell me something so important." She stops when she realizes something, "I'm not your first born and you gave me away, you gave me away for a treaty. Sara is your first born yet you gave me away."
"Amoura that's not-" she cuts him off, "go away! I don't want to hear it. Just go away." Stone speaks up, "Amoura listen to us!" Layla runs up.
"Amoura open up, please. Sweetheart, please hear us out. We love you Amoura we've loved you since we laid our eyes on you." Layla says as she rests her forehead against the door.
"You don't send the people you love to war." Stone packs up her bag, and pulls out money and tosses it on the bed before going to the window and opening it.
"You're our daughter. You are our first child, we have always loved. Why are you making this so hard?" Layla argues, "Because all you two ever seem to do is act the exact opposite parents should, either I have the meaning of parents wrong or you two are just shitty parents."
"That isn't true Amoura everything we have ever done was for you." Stone stops from climbing up the window, "so tell me did you marry me off before you knew Heminsworth was my mate or after you figured out he was going to reject me?" Amoura throws her bag out the window, "I was right, there's nothing left for me here."
WerewolfAmoura Stone's eighteen birthday takes a sour when she realizes she must flee her pack without her mate just to ensure they both live till tomorrow. Being enlisted into a Military aid organization for Otherlings with a very passive mindset leaves Am...