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Linked by Philyra912
 Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Romance, Draco M., Hermione G., Words: 61k+, Favs: 4k+, Follows: 920, Published: Jun 18, 2005 Updated: Jan 5, 2006
 2,542 Chapter 1: Of Potions and Partners
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe does not belong to me. If it did, I would not have to do my laundry at my parent's house. (That statement isn't as random as it seems. It was written back in May when I had come crawling home from my dorm with three bags of laundry because I'd run out of quarters. And food.)

A/N: This will be the first Harry Potter story I've posted. Therefore, please be patient with me if I mess up the technical end of posting chapters. I am terrible with technology, and computers seem to know this about me and prey on my weakness. I promise to do my best.

Chapter 1: Of Potions and Partners

"Hermione? Hermione!" Hermione Granger started, blinking across the table at the exasperated face of Ron Weasley, who was hurriedly shoving his just-completed Potions essay into his bag. Hermione realized that they were among the only remaining occupants of the Great Hall, meaning that she had once again read through breakfast and it was now time to go to class.

"Sorry, Ron. I was just reviewing the chapter on the potion we're going to begin today."

"I know, I know," he groaned as they made their way out of the Great Hall. "That's all you've been doing for two days." He narrowed his eyes at her book bag suspiciously. "How many times have you read that chapter?"

"Just enough to be comfortable with the information," she said evasively. "Where's Harry?" Ron glared at her attempt to change the subject.

"He went back to the common room to get a book he'd left there. How many times have you read it, Hermione?" he repeated. Hermione felt a blush rise in her cheeks.

"Five. It's a difficult chapter, Ron!" she protested when he made an exasperated and disbelieving exclamation.

"Where do you find time to read something that many times? Between all the classes you take, your Head Girl duties, all the bloody N.E.W.T.s preparation the teachers have given us . . ."

"You know I have to do well in Potions if I want to be accepted into a good Healer training program, Ron," she reminded him. They had had this conversation often this year, and it was only halfway through first term. Hermione suspected that Ron was having trouble adjusting to the idea that in less than a year they would have to begin living their adult lives, and he was therefore acting as childish as possible. He shrugged off his prefect responsibilities, procrastinated about his homework worse than ever, and whined endlessly over any show of responsibility or work ethic in others.

"So you've told me," he said sarcastically. "Now, since you've become an expert on the . . . Um . . ."

"Partis Sensus," Hermione supplied with her oft-taxed but (in her opinion) admirable patience.

"Yes, of course, the Partis Sensus potion. Maybe you could briefly review the subject with me. I was unable to clear enough time in my schedule to properly study the material." Ron gave her a winning smile. She rolled her eyes.

"You didn't read the chapter and you want me to tell you what it's about," Hermione translated wryly as they began descending the stairs into the dungeons. Ron's smile became roguish and endearing, and Hermione felt her heart leap ever so slightly. The feelings she had once harbored for Ron had finally begun to fade away, but the occasional lapse was inevitable, especially now that Ron had filled out his gangly frame, allowed his hair to grow long and curl past his ears, and learned to somewhat control his once-volatile temper.

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