Chapped lips

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August 12, 1916
Poland, Germany

I stared at my window watching as the blue drops slowly desend down. I had a bay window in the dreadful room I was being locked into it. The bars on the ledge were rusty, I could hear the screams of the people around me. It was frightening to say in the least. Never a quiet moment. Never a moment.

I really thought about what my mother would think of me if she knew where I was in life at this very moment. She would be so displeased.

"Mesmerizing, isn't it?" I heard a voice say behind me say. I nodded my head and turned around. I saw the blue eyed boy staring at me with a small smile. I looked back at the window to find that the rain had stopped. I was so thirsty I just wanted a nice warm meal to sit down with him and enjoy life once more.

A bang came from the door as it slammed open. A women came in with a tray of food and said, "Here you go darlin'. Eat up. You need some fat on those bones." I nodded once and continued crying. She sighed and set the food down. She took the other tray that was untouched and left. I got up and walked over to the tray, I then grabbed the tray and put it to the side. I saw the one pencil and paper as I saw it everyday. I started drawing the boy once more for the 600th time. I had become a really good drawer after years of drawing the same blue eyed boy. Once I finished the drawing, I turned over the page and drew the exact same thing. Another drawing, another tear. My heart hurt for years, how could one person effect me this much?

"You know, maybe one day you could get out of here." Alec stated matter of factly. My eyebrows flew up, "Oh yeah, three years, three years I have been here." He looked down with a frown, I turned my head away and looked out the window. "I heard them."I heard him whisper. I shot my head to his curious, "Heard who?" He looked up with a glimmer in his eyes, "The nice lady, she said that you have a chance to get out of here. For good." My eyes widened as I sat up straighter. "Are you serious?" He smiled showing his dimples, and nodded his head. I grinned and thought of my mum. I closed my eyes and pictured her in my head.

Her wavy black hair blowing in the wind, her soft features smiling in the distance, a tear slid down her pink cheek. Her soft voice calling my name.

"Are you thinking about him to?" I heard Alec say in a pained voice. I kept my eyes closed and nodded slowly. I felt wettness on my cheek. I looked up as if it was raining, I realised that I was the one who caused it. I didn't know that I was crying. I took a deep breath and looked out the window. How could the world be so happy while there is pain, misery, saddness, hurt, and even death.

"Once apon a time,

There was a family of four, a dad, a mum, a brother, and a sister. They were the happiest family every one knew. Never fought, always kind, always respected, a beautiful family. One day, the dad was hauled to the camp by something he didn't know was happening. After while, the mum was struggling to pay the bills, and payments. With no money, food, nor water. A man came into their lives, little did they know he was going to turn their back on them. The man name was Adolf, he became a leader of all sorts of matter, but he was a very horrible man. He killed the father and son, not barring a second thought. Based on their religion.

The mother and daughter ran through the woods hearing the gunshots in the distance following them through the dark night. They spent the night in the woods freezing and starving. Together they made it back to their safe house barefooted and dirty. It took them fours hours to walk back to their house, but by then they were so scared to even think."

The door opened and came in Catrina interrupting my story, I stood up and moved by the door, "Hey darlin'". I smiled sadly as a reply. She sighed, "Don't worry Allie, you are a strong young women. You are going to get though this." I nodded and said a quick ok.

I tried so hard to believe her words. But I guess my mind wouldn't let me have the blessing to believe it. I sat there thinking, if I was even to ever get out of this place. Where would I go? Well that matters if I do ever get out. How would I apply myself out in the world. With him out there I don't even know if I want to leave. If they were to find out I was a Jew what would they think of me. My mother spent years trying to hide it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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