Late nights

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You open your eyes. You can feel the soft grey sheets laying across your cheek. The sheets looking black now due to the night being kissed by the moon and the stars. Not a light to be seen. You open your eyes. Only to revile Adam with his cute face buried into his 3 pillows. His black slightly curly hair drifting over his pale face. He shrugs in discomfort. You can tell he is awake aswell. You lift your dainty arm out from underneath the blankets. Bringing your thin long fingers up to his face, brushing the hair out of his face behind his ear. He stirred once again. You continued to tangle your fingers in his soft hair. Brushing it back in long heavy strokes. You feel him start to roll his face and body over towards you. He opens his sleepy brown eyes. They look hazy and dewy. He shoots a tired slumped smile at you. "What ya up to?" He says in a quiet, seductive whisper.

"Just... admiring" you press your hand deep against his face.

He slumps into it, closing his eyes. Feeling your soft, cold skin on his. Savoring every moment. He wraps one of his large, muscular, arms around you. Placing it on the small on your bare back, pulling you in close. So close your noses almost touch. You could feel his warm, heavy breath on your face. Just staring into your eyes. He pulls in a little closer. You could see him tilting his head and closing his eyes. You do the same. Pulling in for a kiss. Getting closer and closer, and with every passing second you just wanted him more. Your excitement grew. And then it happened. His lips were chapped, yet so soft and full. Holding onto yours and not letting go. He was an excellent kisser. His kisses were like strong foreworks. Like every doubt or every time you got scared disappeared when you kissed him. He licked the rim of your bottom lips seaking entry. You opened them. His large warm tongue pressed against your lips. Exploring, and your tongue. You meet him, tangling you tongues. He pulls away. Moving his hand to your lower thigh and pulling you in closer. Into a hug, pulling you close into him. "I know something we could both do..." he pauses and his throat hitches, "ya know, since... we're both up." He leans over you. With his large arms and his body hovering over you.

"A-and what is that, A-Adam?" You say. He leans in very close as if he's about to kiss you. You close your eyes, ready for what's about to happen.

"Checkers!!!!" He says leaping up out of bed and running to the closet.

"Oh." You say, extremely disappointed thinking you were going to play with more than just checkers. You very slowly get out of bed and join him at the closet to get checkers. You pull it out of the closet holding the square box of checkers in your hands horizontally. The paint of the box peeling off. He looks confused at you. "This is what you wanted, right?" You look at him puzzled by his expression.
Startling you he slams his large hand on the box knocking it on to the floor. Checker pieces flying everywhere. He suddenly grabs you and wraps your thighs around his waist, kissing your very suddenly and passionately.
He moves a hand to the small of your back, putting pressure, holding you up. You're so surprised, you loved when Adam did things like this. Before you knew it he throws you on the bed and rips his shirt off. Hebputs a leg in between your thighs. Messaging you. Using one arm to hold himself up and the other to massage your breast. You let out a soft moan. He checks your underwear, feeling you in between his fingers. "Mmm, you're already wet." He licks his lips and dives into your neck, sucking it so hard it hurts.
"Ah, Adam!" He puts one hand on your mouth pushing it into the bed and beginning to bite your neck. Your heart races you let out a deep moan through his fingers. You know how much he likes it rough. You suddenly kick your legs up pushing him over, and climb on top of him.

"Hey!" He says angrily with a look of anger in his face. You kiss his neck, sucking it, leaving little marks. Moving one hand to his enormous peck, moving your finger around his nipple making it hard. He lets out a heavy growl. You move to his collar bone, his favorite place. He lets out more moans. You move your kisses down his chest to his pajama pants line. So he could have some form of control he forces your lips to his huge member becoming very erect.

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