Breathing YouNow

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A girl named Stacey went to the airport with her two friends Molly and April. They went to the airport hoping to see the Part Of My Story and Magcon members. Stacey was looking forward to seeing Harvey. Molly and April were of course there for Cameron and Jonas. They forgot they had to go through security, so they were in a time crunch. The Part Of My Story boys were gonna land in 35 minutes. They sadly walked to the end of the long line. Molly and April were looking at Cameron's Snap Chat to see when they were going to land. They saw Cameron announce that they will arrive 30 minutes late because their plane was delayed. As Molly and April relaxed a little Stacey was in a hurry and was worried she wasn't going to make it in time. With 12 minutes until the Part Of My Story boys landed the three of them were finally getting through security until... The security man asked the three of them why they were at the airport with no luggage. They said they were going to meet people. But at the worst time the metal detector went off for Molly. And Stacey and April looked at her. That was when the security guard got suspicious. After 20 minutes they found out that the metal detector was not working right. So after about 6 minutes they finally got past security. But Stacey was panicking because she was 24 minutes late. She then saw a girl running holding a #teamjovani poster in her hand. Stacey told Molly and April she'll meet them where Cameron's gate is. Then Stacey ran following the other girl with the poster and finally she got there. But she realized they already left. The other girl was looking at her with sadness in her eyes. Stacey just looked at the girl and said "I can't believe we missed it." The girl said "Yeah, I know. Do you want to try and find them? My name is Connie by the way. " Stacey smiled at her and said "My name is Stacey. It's nice to meet you and yeah I'll look for them with you." They both smiled and started looking at the boys Snap Chats. They both said with great excitement "They're outside!!!" They both started running to go to the front of the terminal to where the boys were. Right when they got there the boys were already in the taxi driving away. Without panicking they looked at the boys Snap Chats again, nothing. 35 minutes later they see a Snap from Jonas and Mario of them in their hotel room. Stacey and Connie did not give up. Then a girl came up and asked them "Did you guys miss seeing them at the airport?" Connie said "Yes. We're trying to find out what hotel they're staying at." Then the girl said "Oh they're staying at the Hilton on 67th avenue." Stacey asked "How do you know?" The girl said " They told me. I've been supporting them from the very beginning." Stacey and Connie said in shock " Really?! Omg. Thank you so much. Our names are Stacey and Connie." The girl said "My name is Zoey and no problem. It was nice meeting you guys." Stacey and Conmie wave da taxi. Once they got to the hotel Molly and April were sitting there in the lobby. Stacey asked surprised "What are you guys doing here?!" Molly and April said "We're staying here. Mom is in the room." Stacey said "What?! I'm so confused. Oh and this is Connie. I met her at the airport and we were looking for the boys because we both missed seeing them. Can you explain this?!" April said "Later. Come on let's go to our room and Connie can come to."  Then Stacey and Connie saw a girl walk in and it was Zoey, the girl they met at the airport. At that moment Stacey and Connie were really confused but didn't ask anything.  Molly and April happily went to hug Zoey and whispered "Thank you so much." Zoey smiled and said "No problem." After that all the girls went to Stacey, April, and Molly's room. Right when they were at the door everyone told Stacey and Commie to close their eyes.
They both looked a little annoyed but then closed there eyes. The others led them in and said they can open their eyes. Right when they did so, they couldn't believe what they saw. Jonas, Mario, Julian, and Jovani were standing there smiling. Stacey and Connie were speechless. "Jonas came up to Stacey and and said "How are you doing beautiful?" And gave her a hug and went to Connie and said "Your gorgeous." And hugged her. Stacey and Connie were so happy but shocked still. All they mustard to say was "I love all of you guys so so much." Connie started crying. Jovani went to her and wiped her tears off and they hugged for what seemed like a minute. Then Julian joined in on the hug, then Jonas. And Mario went up to Stacey and hugged her and said "We don't bite." Stacey laughed a little as Mario pulled her into the massive hug. After all of that the boys said that this was all a surprise that Molly and April started. Molly and April said "Zoey is one of our best friends and we told her taut we wanted to surprise you and she was glad to help. Stacey asked "Is that why she Zoey came up to us?" " Yup." said Zoey as she smiled. The boys said "We've got to go now. But before we do, we got you guys All Of Me tickets to our Part Of My Story NYC show." Stacey and April both ran up to Jonas and whispered to him "Your our favorite" hugged him. Then hugged the others. Jonas then at the end took a picture with them and posted it on Instagram. Then Stacey and Connie took a picture with the others. And then they all took a group picture. After the boys left Stacey ran up to her Sisters and gave them a huge hug. Connie told them how much she was grateful for this and thanked Zoey to. Stacey and Connie exchanged phone numbers and they hugged. Then Connie left. Zoey said "I've got to go. I'll see you, Stacey and Connie at the show." She smiled then left. Stacey asked her sisters "Wait so if you guys planned this, did you meet Cameron?" April said "Nah. There were too many girls. But we got to touch his hair." Molly said "He smelled really good. " They all laughed and got ready for bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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