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Warning; horrible grammar, wrong spellings.



No One's POV;

It's a beautiful night..the stars are glittering in the sky.the moon showing its face.some clouds loof around.

No human spotted anywhere and it was a beautiful silence..



"Why am I so useless.... why am I even a live? I was suppose to get cancer and die already -hic- " a girl with a long blonde hair -Alice- sitting at the corner of her room

She hides her face between her knees.trying to suppress her sobbing so her precious family member won't hear her cries.

Have you ever feel like you are the most worthless being in this whole wide world? Well that is what Alice feels right now
Everytime a teacher accuse her when the teachers knows nothing they'll tell her family and make her family feel tired of her..

How much sad my life can be?

Am I a burden to my family?

Is my existance really a mistake?

Was it wrong for me to be born?

I know I shouldn't question the god but I can't help but to feel like this...

Why did they do this to me?

What have I done to them?

Why do you accuse me of so many thing while you know nothing about me?

Why do I have to keep up with this shit?

I'm so tired...

I'm so done...

I'm so sad....

I can't even talk about it anymore..

It happend to many time.....

Why do they hate Me so much?

If I am that bad........

Should I just disappear from your sight....

Should I just be gone from your life....

Maybe I should..

I don't want to hurt anyone....

"Hey....Alice" a voice was heard out of nowhere

Alice look up..she look around searching for the voice.

"Hey... Alice" it called

Alice snap her way to where she think the voice came from

It came from the other corner of her room the one where all the shadows gathers.Alice saw a pair of ruby eye in the shadow

"Hey... Alice" slowly a white rabbit in suit came out from the shadow.

"Do you wanna go to wonderland?everyone is waiting for you"he said

"but...mom..dad.. sister.. "Alice ask.

The rabbit shook his head..

"you'll move a heavy burden for them if you leave"he said convincing.with a warm smile "and you won't feel pain anymore..." he offers his hand

"......." Alice took the hand "ok"


RIP Alice melbown..
A great daughter,sister, friend

"Baby why..." Alice mother cry on her husband chest

"Alice...why did you leave" a blonde with pony tail said grimly while gripping the sister braclet they own.

"How could we not notice your suffering Alice?" Her friends cry

A pair of ruby eyes in the shadow not far away from the funeral ceremony "its too late.. you were to late... Alice was in so much pain..."

And disappear into the darkness

Depression isn't something as easy as fever.it feels like you are drowning and struggling when the people around you is breathing

Don't ever try to ignore a depressed person..and thought that she/he would be alright... it won't be alright and it will never be.

No...we don't need your advise...we don't need your pity...we don't need your 'little talk'...

All we need is a hug and a friend to hear our problems.. sometimes we already know how to solve our problems.but we simply don't have the energy to do so

All we need is a little warm push for us to get out of our darkness.and a place for us to stay when we are out of that place.

Don't ignore us..don't detest us.. don't call us stupid... we know you are strong.and we know you have your story too..

But we are a warrior who had fallen...we a fighter who stop fighting.not because we wanted to.. it's because we are tired.we are hurt..we are injured way beyond our limit.

Please....don't hate us... instead please help us..

For all who are silently depress right now..please do search for someone to talk to. You are not alone.and if you think you don't have anyone. God will always be by your side.HE will listen.

"Hey.... Alice..."Where stories live. Discover now