The meeting

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It was another day at a World Conference. Italy walked down the halls cheerfully wondering if anything would get done. He was glad the meeting was taking place at his home. He didn't have to wake up so early and drive so far. Romano had a slight temperature when the Italians awoke and Italy didn't have to tell his brother twice that he should stay home and sleep. Today he was going solo. By the time he got in the meeting room, half of the countries were already there.

"Ve... where's Germany...?" Italy spoke softly to himself as he sat in his seat.

Fifteen minutes or so the whole room was filled, with Germany sitting next to Italy when he arrived five minutes after the Italian did.

"Okay, let's actually try to have a decent meeting with out any side conversation and no talking about anything that sounds impossible." Germany said while looking at America at the last part. He was tired of hearing about building a robot to protect mankind. It was impossible.

"Who vould like to go first?"

~~~~~~*Time skip cause I still suck at writing!*~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ve are getting no where. Ugh. Okay ve will take a lunch break. You all have an hour to eat and prepare yourself before your turn comes up." commanded the German to the other nations.

"Excuse me Germany-san." Japan blurted out.

"Vat is it Japan?"

"This meeting was not supposed to last this long. None of the countries brought lunch today." Japan replied.

"Hahaha yea bro, and I'm like starving!" A hungry America yelled from across the room.

Germany sighed and after a long time arguing the countries decided to eat some Italian Pizza since it's the best.

"Ve~ There's a pizzeria across the street Germany! Its mine and Romano's favorite one!" Italy started to explain, happy that the countries were going to eat his cultures food.

"Vell, okay. Spain, vill come with me to get the pizza? There's gonna be alot of boxes." Germany asked the spaniard.

"Si amigo. I have nothing to do since my sweet little Roma isn't here today." Replied Spain cheerfully.

Once Germany and Spain left to get the pizza, Italy decided to just draw on the back of his papers not really caring about what was going on around him. It was the same as always. Arguments and jokes going around. He would usually talk to Germany since Japan tends to keep to himself. Everything was fine until he heard his name called.

"Yo Italy! I had a question for you bro!" America called out.

"Oh..uhh, what is it America?"

"Well, I was wondering, why do you always run away from things and wave a white flag?"

The room went quite and the nations looked from America to Italy. Then some side comments were made.

"It's because he weak, isn't it?" He heard someone to his far left whisper.
"Well of course it is. It's Italy. Hes scared of his own shadow..." he heard the reply.

" Well, America.." Italy started while squirming in his seat. "I just don't like to fight, that's all..."


Romano woke up with a headache and was forced to stay home by Veniziano. Everything was going fine for the grumpy Italian. He took pain killers and drank lots of water. He even took a nice siesta. Until he heard his phone ringing. Romano checked the caller ID to see that it was Veniziano.

'Strange...why is he calling me.." he thought while he pressed the answer button.


"I just don't like to fight, that's all." Veniziano voice was faint.

"Really? I thought it was because you were weak bro!" Romano recognized that as the loud America.

"Will you shut it, you bloody wanker! We all know how pathetic Italy is, bit that is no excuse to bug him about it." An English accent was heard.

Romano cringed. He hated England. He was so scary. He could do magic! That's not normal.


Italy sat there uncomfortable. He didn't like the fact that the other countries thought of him as weak and pathetic. He tried. Alot too. Compared as how he was with before he met Germany, he was alot stronger. But it seems like nobody noticed...

"Sorry about him Italy, he really doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut." The English man apologized.

"..hahaha....don't even worry about it..." Italy replied with a fake smile and enthusiasm in his voice....

Unfortunately for him, there was someone who knew that his laugh and voice was fake and was hiding the pain.


Romano hung up the phone angry.

"T-those jerks!" Romano yelled out to no one.

"Ugh, when I get my hands on them.."

Romano continued ranting while getting out of bed and getting dressed. He could tell that potato bastard #1 wasn't there since he didn't hear his voice. He thew on some jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and a jacket. He walked to his closet and grabbed his shotgun and hid it in his jeans.

"Who the hell do they think they are! Picking on Veniziano...bastards." He grabbed his key and drove to where the meeting was. It wasn't far but there was a little bit of traffic. Romano was going to show those jerks not to pick on his baby brother...

889 words. Is that enough? I was having a hard time writing this so it might suck..sorry. I decided to make this maybe three parts. Next chapter will have a pissed off Romano show up to the conference room. That'll be fun!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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