Part 1

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Today was the day. I could feel it. My dreams were going to come true! I was finally going to be part of the Royal Guard and be showered with affection! Papyrus the amazing Guardsman! They'll praise that name for as long as the barrier stands still! But Sans worries me... last night he scared me. I was in a Deep slumber refusing to wake up but I couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong... my hunch was correct. To my misfortune, I woke up to a scream and sobbing. "N-no! PAPYRUS!" I shot upwards in Shock and rushed over to Sans. "Sans! What's the matter??" I was dumbfounded by what i was told. "P-papyrus... t-the human...." "What human?? There hasn't been a human for a Long Time!" Sans hugged me tightly and sobbed "T-they killed everyone... undyne... alphys..." I was left speechless "W-what do you mean??" "They...." Sans never finished what he had to say but I put the pieces together... "Sans it was just a nightmare.... none of it is real" I reassured him and went back to bed. The next morning, it took Sans longer than usual to get dressed... I felt perturbed about this but decided he wished not to talk about it considering last night. I went to my post and Sans was boondoggling as usual. I returned to my post until we discovered a human. Sans seemed very worried about this. I wanted to talk to him... he refused every chance I had... (I don't Know the exact dialogue so I'll just go with something of my own) "Human! I have noticed that Snowdin has gone quiet... not only that but you have dust on your shirt! You seem to be nearing... are you offering a hug of acceptance? I welcome you with open arms!" The human slashed at me... "W-well i didn't expect that... but I believe in you! You can do better! Even if you don't think so. Everyone can be a good Person if they try..." CRACK* Papyrus.... you always told me to be careful... So why? Why weren't you careful? I KEPT MY PROMISE.. WHY DIDN'T YOU KEEP YOURS?? (Eh it's not a Lot...)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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