Chapter 1: Escaping

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Hi and welcome to my first fanfic, I'm terrified to post this, but I finally mustered up the balls to post my story, please don't harass me if any of this stuff in the first chapter isn't what actually happens in an abusive relationship. I've never been in one, so I'm only guessing. Other than that, please enjoy this story. Also, play the song whenever.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Please.... Stop. I beg you, I'll do anything for you!" I said as I tried to stop Jackson, my boyfriend, from hitting me again. Oh how stupid I was to say that as now I'm stuck in this hell hole. Its been a year since I've told HIM that I would do anything for HIM.Now I'm stuck being his slave and sex toy,and even then I'm not good enough and still get abused. I can't wait for the day I can get away from HIM.


It was 2 in the afternoon and I was cleaning the house since it was my "job". It needed to be done for two reasons. One, so I don't get abused when he comes home, and two, being so I'm not beaten even more since today people are coming to inspect the house and make sure it's in good shape, and if they saw or knew what was going on, they would arrest him immediately. But of course I had to spend too much time covering my bruises with makeup, so I didn't finish in time, but it didn't help he came home early.

"What the fuck have you been doing, sitting on your ass doing nothing?! Get to fucking work this house is still a fucking mess!" He said after slapping me across the face. It hurt and I knew there would be a mark later.

"Sorry, I'll get to work right away." I said trying to hold back my tears.

"Good. Now go grab me a beer and make me a sandwich, and I expect them in my hands in 5 minutes, or else tonight will be hell for you!"

"Got it"I said.

I started to make the sandwich, when my mind drifted off to the camera hidden on top of the coat hanger under a snap back hat that I've had recording him for a week, it had caught all of all the things he's done to me,and came up with the plan to escape through the bathroom window, sure it was small, but it was the only way to escape without having the alarms go off. I clearly had gotten lost in thought for too long since the next thing I know is that I feel a snap on my thigh, and I already knew who it was, it was Jackson and he had whipped my thigh with one of his belts. I let out a yelp, but then he had started beating and hitting my legs as hard as possible. After he was done he grabbed the beer and sandwich and left the room.

"Now get to work on cleaning again or else you know what will happen!" He yelled from the living room.

~~~~~~~ One hour time skip ~~~~~~~~~

He's finally left the house, so I put on my jacket, converse, and grab my bag that had my camera and laptop, and headed for the bathroom window. You only have one shot (Y/N) so you better make it count, this is life or death here. I told myself. I quickly slip out of the house,and ran to the police station down a few blocks, even though my legs still ached from the beating earlier. After running for a good 15 or 20 minutes I made it to the station. I walked up to the desk and asked if I could speak with an officer. After another 5 minutes,an officer came out and brought me into his office, I found out that his name was officer Grant.

"Okay little Missy why have you come here today, you seem very worried and alert."

"I want to show you something, I have lived with my abusive boyfriend for over a year now and I want to report him in. I just escaped the house and if I'm not back in the next 30 minutes he'll beat me again." at this point I was pretty much in tears, telling someone of my problem and knowing the consequences of doing this.

" Please calm down and show me the video please."He asked. I shook my head and pulled my camera and laptop out of my bag and plug my camera into my laptop and play the worst video I had. It was from when I talked back to him and ended up being hit repetitively and then forced to please him.By the end of the video he seemed really angry.

" Excuse me for a moment but I would like to show my squad this video, so we can discuss what we can do to help you but I won't unless you give me permission." He told me.

"Do whatever you want, but please help me get away from him is all I ask." I told him.

After about 15 minutes he came in with his squad all armored up and looked ready to go.

"All I need to know is where you live and I can ensure you he will end up behind bars for life." That was all I needed to hear to let all my tears fall. I told him the address and he shook his head as way of saying he understood.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! This means the world to me." I said while crying tears of joy.

"Don't mention it, it's our job to keep people safe, now we're going to head to your home and take care of Mr.Jackson. He's been hiding from us for years and with your help we have found him. This is not the first time he's done this to a woman before,and for extra protection we are going to send you to her home, she is only a few blocks from here,and we have already contacted her and she is already willing to take you in." Officer Grant told me.

"Thank you for everything Officer Grant." Was the last time I talked to Officer Grant before we went our own ways, he went towards the house, while another officer escorted me to the "safety Home".

Thank you for reading my first chapter, and remember, any feedback will help!

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