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BRING! BRING! I slapped my hand down on my alarm clock. Ugh, it’s Friday. I got out of my bed, well, rolled out of bed, and crawled to the bathroom. When my knees hit the tile, I instantly got goose bumps. I stood up and went to turn the water on in the shower. I waited for at least a minute until the water turned warm. I stripped out of all my clothes and got in. After washing everything out of my hair and off my body, I stepped out and wrapped the blue, fluffy towel around my body.  I walked out of the bathroom and went to my closet. I decided to wear a black hoodie, that wasn’t so baggy, and grey sweatpants. I might only be in the 6th grade, but I don’t really care about my image, considering it’s already ruined. I slipped on my bright socks and my black shoes. I grabbed my satchel and went downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen.

“Morning sweetheart,” my mom says with a bright smile on her face. I smile back and go to hug her. “Emily, before you go to school, please brush your hair,” she said. I laugh because I hate brushing my hair, even though my hair was super soft and super knot free. I grabbed the brush and brushed my brown hair down, eliminating the entire frizz. I then went back into the kitchen and kissed my mom good-bye. I walked to my middle school. Once I was in the parking lot, it started.

“Hey, fatso, get over here,” Liam called. Yes, I was bullied. Yes, everyday. Yes, I hated it. I walked over and kept my head down. Once I was there, Liam started going through my backpack. He found my lunch, which contained a sandwich, Kool-Aid, water, a Fruit Roll-Up, and a sour straw. He grabbed my Fruit Roll-Up and my sour straw and took them out of my backpack. “Why do you think you’re so fat and ugly? Because you eat these all the time,” He says. Now, I wouldn’t consider myself fat, but ugly I would. I would starve myself, and cut myself as well. I was dangerously under weight, I was only 52 pounds. I hated Liam, I hated my whole school. I would never think of suicide though, because I believed everything happened for a reason.

“Yeah, I-I know,” I stuttered. “Next time, bring it to me instead, you’re too fat to eat these,” He says, walking away. I walked to class, which was PE, and saw Liam already out on the field. I went in the locker room and changed into my PE clothes. I went out onto the field and started to run the track. I was one of the fastest runners, even faster than Liam. I was the 3rd one to finish my lap, with Krissiana and Luke already done. Krissiana and I were like best friends last year, but something happened. I was now the laughing stock of the school and she was the popular girl with lots of friends. We still talked all the time, but not like we used to. I honestly loved PE, it was my easiest subject.

Once PE was finished, we changed out and back into our clothes. I headed off to Art and bumped into Nayeli. We walked together and when we got to art, the bell rang. I walked in a saw the guy I like staring at me. He was so popular, but he would never like me. He never made fun of me, but he also never talked to me. “Everyone quiet down, we’re going to get started,” Mrs. Saleigh says. Ugh, I can’t wait for this day to be over.



                I walked into my science classroom, right as the bell rang. I was about to sit down at my seat, until my teacher told me to stand back up. I felt slightly embarrassed, considering the guy I like was in this class with me.

“Today we’re switching seats!” Mr. Ramos says. Everyone groans. He points out where everyone is going to be sitting. “Emily, you will sit at table 7, seat B. Brian, you are going to sit at table 7, seat A,” Mr. Ramos says. Did I hear him correctly? Brian is the person I like. He’s more popular than Liam, which is very popular. I can’t believe I will be sitting next to Brian for the next month! I walk over to my seat, and sit down. I unpacked my comp book, and my planner. Brian sat down after I did. I looked over at him only to see him staring at me, smiling.

“I don’t believe we’ve officially met,” he says, smiling wider. I smile back and he puts his hand out for me to shake. Too formal for me, but whatever. “I’m Emily,” I say taking his hand in mine. “And I’m Brian,” he says, shaking my hand. I release his hand, but he doesn’t do the same. “Um… what are you doing?” I ask him, being my stupid, pathetic, awkward self. He laughs it off and let goes of my hand. “You know, you have really pretty eyes,” he says to me. I guess he’s right. My eyes were the lightest brown ever, with two rings of green around my pupil, along with bright, blue specks. I nod as a thank you and turn back to my comp book.

Did that really just happen? I held his hand and he complimented me? I swear, today is the best day of my life. I was quite sad though, because my dad had gotten a promotion for us to move to Florida. We live in Los Angeles, California. We were moving in a little more than a month, which was good. “Ok, so we’re going to be doing a partner project that you guys will have to work on with your elbow partners,” Mr. Ramos starts, “And, you guys will also work on this project out of school.” My jaw dropped. Brian would be coming over to my house to work on a project? Oh. My. Gosh. I looked over at him, to see he was already looking at me, smirking.

“Would you like to work at my house, or at your house?” he asks me. “My house,” I say rather too quickly. He laughs again. He has the most adorable laugh. I turn my attention back to my teacher. “You guys will work on figuring out an activity for a faunal succession lesion, taught by you guys!” he finishes. I smile. I love science now. 


A/N: New Story! Yay! It starts out with Emily in sixth grade, but further into the story, she will become older. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2013 ⏰

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