Secrets Out

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"Geeze..." Adrien muttered aloud, hanging his head over his phone and speaking to Plagg while they were temporarily alone in the hospital room. "We've been together for like... four hours? And she's already furious with me."

"You did blatantly disregard your own health to go and see her," Plagg retorted, on Marinette's side in this argument and drawing a sigh from his charge.

"I needed to see her! I had to know she was okay what is so ridiculous about that?"

Plagg sighed, shrugging his shoulders and Adrien felt the movement from the kwami's place in his jacket. "I get why you did it. She does too, doesn't mean it wasn't stupid."

Adrien frowned, replying to Marinette's concerned messages and reporting what the doctor had said so far.

'A- Nothing is broken, the ribs are just really beat up. My arm doesn't need a sling or anything, I just got a lot of instructions on how to ice the bruised bone and stuff. All the other cuts are superficial and will probably be gone by tomorrow, superhero healing remember? I'm okay Princess.'

'M- You're not in pain? Are they buying the excuse? What did you tell them?'

Her reply was so quick that he knew she must be waiting by her phone for news on how he was doing, and his heart fluttered a little.

'A- I feel a lot better now that they've bound my chest, I've been given painkillers as well. I told them I fell out of my window. So far Natalie is buying it, thinking I fell trying to sneak out or something and went to the hospital by myself to avoid getting in trouble. So at least they believe me.'

Plagg was sticking out of the top of his jacket now, whining something just before Adrien pushed send.

'A- Plagg says hi'

Adrien turned towards the door, listening carefully for anyone coming but it looked like the coast was still clear for now.

'M- Are you going to get in even more trouble now? Hi Plagg, Tikki says hi as well.'

Adrien smiled when Plagg hooted in delight, retiring back to the warmth of Adrien's jacket now that his mission was complete.

'A- I couldn't convince Natalie not to tell my dad. I told her him getting another call about me would just make him mad and that we could tell him later tonight when he gets home, but she said it needed to be done. So maybe. Luckily he was already done with work for the day and in the airport waiting to come home so she didn't interrupt anything.'

'M- I'm sorry Adrien...'

That 'sorry' said a lot of things. I'm sorry your home life is this way, I'm sorry you're hurt, I'm sorry your dad is the way he is, I'm sorry I didn't protect you.

'A- Don't be. Whatever he says this is still one of the best days of my life. Well, best day after like 11 AM and I knew you were alive. And even if he grounds me forever and tries to pull me out of school I can still sneak out and see you so whatever.'

There was a pause in the reply and he liked to imagine he had flustered her.

'M- Adrien don't get in trouble for me!'

'A- No one can keep me from seeing you if I want to, except you, so he can deal with it.'

The gap in replies was much larger and he grinned, already sensing that this would quickly become one of his favorite things to do. Say sweet, romantic things until she reverted back into an adorable stuttering mess. Making his Lady blush had always been a dream of his, and now knowing that he had done it quite a few times already made him smile.

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