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Blood Prologue & Chapter 1

I remember it all so if it happened just yesterday...I wish I didn't remember was like a bad rash that would irritate you for days...go away and then hit you like a ton of bricks agian. It would happen while I was asleep, while I was awake...hell I even saw it on the tv screen once. The horrible scence playing over and over again in my head. The screaming of my parents, the sound of the bullets that killed them, the ripping of acient pages. But most of all...the one that hurts the most...the feeling of my parents warm blood run through my fur as their lifeless body's fall to the floor. It had started a life long fear...the fear of the warm red liquid that kept me alive. The fear of blood.

Of course my friends Bentley and Murray knew of my fear...of my terrifying flashbacks and of course they try to help but no one can really help me. I don't even think I could do anything about it. The scene was plastered, beat, rammed into my head and I could never forget it. I hide the fact that im mentally scared by putting on a smile and acting care free, but I'm really depressed as hell and I'm hardly ever happy. Well I'm only that way when I go through one of those phases...sometimes it'll just happen other times it will calm down and come right back a day just depends.

It's been about 5 months since I've had that feeling, it was gone for awhile after I had defeated the Fendish 5 and killing Clockwork. But then Murray cut his hand while fixing the van and the sight of his blood brought the memory affected me for about a month, the whole time Murray would apoligize every chance he had telling me he was alright. I knew he was wasn't that he was was that he was bleeding...and I had saw it. Murray and Bentley get hurt every now and then and of course they try to hide it from me...the fear that their blood will trigger the memories. I don't get upset with them when they do show it, I'm to terrified to be upset with them. And I know they're trying to keep those memories away the best they can but sometimes they slip up, and I understand people slip up. And if it wasnt for them I would have gone crazy years ago. I couldn't make it threw the nightmares and flash backs if it wasnt for them.

Bentley has suggested therapy may times but I knew it wouldn't was just something I would have to live with. As the years went on it slowly started to get less....terrifying. I guess you could say. It dosent effect me as much as it used to. At first I used to wake up screaming and calling out for my parents. I would try to stay in an enclosed space for days and try my hardest to stay inside. I had it bad back then...real bad. Until I meet Bentley and Murray I was a terrified little child scared by the memories of my parents deaths, missing them like crazy, only wanting them. I wanted nothing to do with anyone...I locked myself away from everyone else...that is until Bentley asked for my name. Bentley himself was very shy back then and hardly ever came out of his shell, I guess he saw that I really needed a friend and he came over with his hand out saying his name, asking for mine. I could remember that day so well, it was the first time I had been truly happy since my parents murder. I meet my life long friends that day and it ment a lot to me to have them with me.

Over the years they had learned how to help me in my time of need. And durning those years I learned the ways of my ancestres plotting against the Fendish 5 to get my family's book back. About 3 years ago I had gotten my book back, my life goal meet. I thought maybe it would make the memories go away...but it didn't. Most of the time durning the Klaw gang job the memory would haunt me. After Clockla was defeated and Bentley became wheelchair bound it went away. But then it came back stronger then ever when Murray left the gang. Bentley was there to calm me but I needed both of them. After he left I spent most of my time watching tv and sleeping on the couch...not talking to Bentley as he passed. Murray left about a week ago...and my life is whatever is on the tv at the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2013 ⏰

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