128 Thursday - Aug 18, 2016 | 12:27AM

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Welcome to the ChatMeUp Chatroom!

R: Hey, baby!

R: Had to attend one of our bosses' birthday party. I hate parties. Having to socialize and be all polite, you know.

R: Hey?

R: Dei, Sweetie?



D: wht is this a pity fuck ?



R: What? What are you talking about?



R: Dei?


D: Nothing. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I need to sleep, Richard. I'm just really tired.

R: You didn't write to me the whole day.

D: I know. I read your message, though. Can we talk tomorrow? Got a lot on my mind. I just need to clear my head. 

R: Hey, tell me what's this about.

D: I'm just tired, Richard. Promise, we'll chat tomorrow. Good night.

R: I love you.

-- Dei has left the ChatMeUp Chatroom. --


Author's Note:
Please don't forget to leave a star to counter your violent comments, guys. Sorry, sorry, sorry! Hang in there. 😚

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