I Might Like You

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Rin tapped her pencil on her desk as she watched the clock intently. She was growing more impatient for the bell to ring with every minute. The teacher had tasked the class with taking notes, and Rin had already finished.
She looked around the room, and her eye caught a certain teal haired girl. Hatsune Miku, her best friend. Though Rin could only see her from the back, she thought every part of her was beautiful.
She longed to run her slender fingers through Miku's silky teal hair. She would to hold her from behind and wrap her arms around her. She would then kiss her neck, leaving a trail of kisses until she reached her shoulder....
The bell finally rang, snapping Rin out of her daydream. Everyone around her got up and ran out of the room, all except Miku.
Rin sighed, knowing that her daydream would never in a million years happen. She gathered up all her stuff, then stood up, walking to Miku's desk.
Miku stood up and grabbed her backpack, then smiled at Rin.
"We can go." She said, then slung her backpack straps over her shoulders.
Rin said nothing, but the two walked out together anyways.
The two girls walked through the school halls and through the swarms of people, bumbing into someone every few seconds. No one seemed to care, though. They all just wanted to leave.
After many minutes, they finally got out the school, and Miku glanced at Rin as they continued walking.
"You can sleep over tomorrow." Miku informed her cheerfully. "That is if you still want to."
"Okay." Rin replied.
"Oh, and if you need help with your homework you can come to my house today." she offered.
"I know." Rin said with a sigh.
There was a short silence.
"So..." Miku leaned closer to Rin. "What's up with Yuu?" She asked with a wink.
"Yuu?" Rin asked, confused, but she soon realized what Miku was talking about. "I still have a crush on him." She lied, but Miku seemed to buy it.
"Oooh." Miku chuckled a bit. "When are you going to tell him?"
"Uh..." Rin shrugged. She didn't like Yuu. They were friends, but nothing more.

Once, Miku had asked Rin if she had a crush on anyone.
"What?" Rin stared at her.
"Well?" Miku stared at Rin with expectation. "Who is it?"
"Uh...." Rin didn't feel like telling Miku how she felt, as she was sure it would ruin their friendship. "Yuu." She said finally. Yuu was the only person who knew about Rin's crush on Miku. Rin knew he would understand.

"Riiin," Miku playfully poked her in the cheek. "You alive?" She asked jokingly.
Rin nodded. "I don't feel like telling him." she replied.
"Then do you want me to tell him for you?" Miku asked
"No." Rin shook her head.
"Oh..." Miku stared at the ground for a minute.
The two continued walking, but in silence.
"Well, you have to tell him then." Miku said, breaking the silence.
"Do I?"
"Well, no, but..." Miku sighed. "Sorry." she apologized.
"What?" Rin stared at Miku with confusion. "Sorry about what?" She asked.
"For making you feel forced to do something."
Rin shook her head rapidly. "No, it's fine." She assured her.
"Oh..." Miku put her hand in her pockets, and things went silent again.
The two soon reached Miku's house, and Miku opened the door, letting them both in.
They both went to the back of the house, where Miku's room was, and threw their bags on the carpeted floor.
Miku sat one the floor and unzipped her backpack, then pulled out all her homework.
Rin watched before quickly getting out her own homework.
Miku sat on her bed with her legs crossed. She pat the bed, motioning for Rin to sit next to her. Rin stared for a minute, then quickly sat next to Miku.
"Alright, let's do our Biology first." Miku smiled, and set aside everything else.
"Ah, okay." Rin pulled out her new pack of pencils.
"You got more? Again?" Miku snickered.
"Yea." Rin shrugged. "I always lose them." She tore them open, but they ended up all falling onto the bed. Rin groaned, and she reached out to grab some, but she felt something else. The touch of soft skin. Her hand had met Miku's, and they both stared into eachother's eyes before pulling their hands away.
Miku started laughing awkwardly, and her cheeks had a slight pink tint in them.
Rin rubbed her neck awkwardly. "Uh, I'll just umm..." She quickly picked up all the pencils.
"Well, that was weird...." Miku said, still laughing.
"Heh, yea...." Rin sighed, sadly.
"You're skin was really soft." Miku laughed harder.
"I always thought...." She continued laughing, and tears started forming in her eyes. "You're just so...." she stopped herself.
Rin was completely and utterly confused now. "Miku... Is something wrong?" She asked worryingly.
"No, nothing." Miku replied, but the tears rolled down her cheeks, as if in disagreement with her words.
Rin tried to think of something to say, but she couldn't. "Miku..." there were no words. Just a softly spoken name.
"I'm sorry..." Miku stopped laughing, and the tears were streaming.
"About what?" Rin asked. Seeing Miku cry made her tear up. She wanted to comfort her, hold her in her harms and whipe away her tears.
"For liking you." Miku confessed. "God, I'm making this more awkward than it already was." The tears wouldn't stop. "God, I'm so stupid."
"You what." Rin's jaw hang low.
"I like you." Miku repeated.
"Miku.... I...."
"God, sorry, you probably hate me now...." Miku leaned back onto her bed and covered her face.
"No, I don't." Rin shook her head. "Miku...."
"I understand if you never want to see me again." Miku said with sniffles in between her words. "I'm gross."
"Miku, calm down." Rin reached out and softly grabbed her hand, something she's only dreamed of.
Miku lifted her head and stared at Rin.
"I don't hate you. At all." Rin assured her. "I like you. A lot." She confessed.
"Wh-what?" Miku cocked her head at the blonde.
"I have a crush on you."
"You do?" Miku asked, astonished.
"Yes." Rin nodded. "Please don't feel bad. I hate seeing you like this."
The two sat in silence for a minute, and Miku had stopped crying.
"So... What now?" Miku asked Rin, breaking the silence.
"I don't know..." Rin sighed. "You really like me?"
"Yes." Miku nodded in reply. "And you really like me?" She asked.
"Of course." Rin replied.
"What about Yuu?"
"I never liked him in that way."
"Yea..." Rin sighed. "I didn't want you to know that I liked you.... I didn't want to like you..."
"Why?" Miku asked.
"Because it hurt." Rin replied.
There was more silence, but neither of them cared.
Rin held onto Miku's hand, and the two smiled at eachother.
"Will you... Erm...." Miku scratches her neck, trying to find the will to speak.
"Yes." Rin didn't need the rest, she already knew.
The two giggled, and wrapped their arms around eachother.
"Thank you." Miku whispered, happy to be holding her girlfriend.

I Might Like You (Mikurin Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now