Chapter 1: How it starts

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(Y/n) = your name.

Just a FYI, these first few chapters will go slow.


**Your POV**

Goodbye family,goodbye friends, goodbye (state you live in)- You will always be my home. I'm on a plane to L.A. to make a fresh new start on my own. I've had a shit ton of drama problems here, Adrian- my highschool sweetheart. He put me through hell this year- he saved me from hell and put me back there, that bastard cheated on me with my best friend, Ellie. I told her to never talk to me again- same goes for Adrian.

All this doesn't matter- I'm 22 years old-I'm ready to leave with this behind me. I fasten my seatbelt and take a few breathes in to calm myself down before we take off- Damn, flying scares the hell out of me.


I finally did it! I finally moved to a new apartment and it has a fucking awesome view. I didn't think I could get an apartment this nice with a view- I guess I got lucky. Fuck- nevermind on being lucky, I gotta unpack all my belongings and get things arranged around the place. I mean,I guess it could be fun right?

(Time skip)

Kitchen,bathroom are done! That took a few hours- I mean, seriously mother? You didn't have to buy me so much shit for me to take with-but thank you.

I look at the kitchen and living room- I love the open concept! I look near the Windows and there was still unpacked boxes I still need to go through to make the living room look presentable, not to mention I need to buy new furniture- this should be fun...

I went to the kitchen counter and grab my house keys- I think I'll go out to McDonald's? I should find a job out here but it was a good thing I saved up money to spend on my new place. I leave the apartment building- taking the stairs, I wanna try to stay fit- did I really just say that? Really? Here I am going to get McDonald's.

I leave the building and onto the streets of L.A- the sun is shining and it was pretty hot outside. I pull out my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and checked siri for a McDonald's near me.

(Y/n)- "Siri, where is McDonald's?"

(Siri)- "here's a list of McDonald's near your location"

Gotta love phones. I head to one that is closest to me- walking shouldn't be that bad- driving isn't my strongest ability. In highschool, I took drivers Ed and passed... With a C. My teacher knew I shouldn't be behind the wheel. I'll conquer this fear, just you watch Mr.Hamilton. I made it to McDonald's and entered inside- I can feel the AC hit me with cold wind- feels soo good!

I got in line and in a few seconds it was my time to order.

(Cashier person)- "hi, welcome to McDonald's- what can I get you?"

(Y/n)- "(your McDonald's order.)"

I gave her the right about of money to pay for my meal. I got my receipt back and I towards the soda machine to fill my cup. I fill my cup with tons of ice- I didn't know what to drink so I chose (drink you like.) my order was being called out to me so I got my drink ready and went back to the counter and grabbed the bag and headed home- hopefully if I can remember where I live.

Dude- it's so fucking hot...from all the places I could have moved to I chose California? I mean I could have gone to Nevada,Illinois- hell I'd move to Alaska. I mean- I guess anywhere is fine at least I'm away from them. I see my apartment building- soon I'll be able to enjoy my meal and watch some tv. I walk up to my door- my right hand was being occupied by the bag while the left hand is holding my drink- fuck.

A lady walks out the door- using her back to open it. I move out the way to avoid bumping into her and dropping my food.

(Unknown)- "oh I'm sorry-- (y/n)?"

This chick knows my name?

(Y/n)- "yesssss....?"

(Unknown)- " it's me- Catherine!"

Catherine?...catherine?....doesn't ring a bell.

(Y/n)- "uhh- Catherine?"

(Catherine)- "oh my god! You don't remember me?! We use to be best friends in middle school, remember- when we were playing at recess and I broke my arm jumping off from the swings and you came to my aid?"

I thought about it for a second- middle school memories flooded my brain.

(Y/n)- "oh my lanta- I remember!"

(Catherine)- "oh god- we were so close"

(Y/n)- "I know, what happened?"- I remember, why did I even ask? Stupid.

(Catherine)- "I moved remember, I ended up here and we went to different high schools"


(Y/n)- "oh yeah- man, life screwed it up for us."

(Catherine)- " I know- man! How are you, how old are you now? I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions" she says chuckling

(Y/n)- " it's fine- I'm 22", my hand is getting cold from my drink...

(Catherine)- "damn! Look at you, looking good- what brings you here to L.A?"

(Y/n)- " uh- fresh new start, i guess"

(Catherine)- "ahh- i see- oh shit, I'm keeping you from eating I'm sorry. Hey you live here too?"

(Y/n)- "yeah- just moved here a few days ago"

(Catherine)- "oh that's so cool- so we're kinda like neighbors- what's your number?"

(Y/n)- "108"

(Catherine)- " I'm 93- I'll go knock on your do sometime, anyways I gotta run- later" she says and leaves.

FINALLY!!! Not to be mean but Finally!!! I am hungry- my hand is cold. I slipped in through the door before it closes and take the elevator up to the floor my apartment. I made it to my door and I set my drink on the floor, I took out my keys and unlocked the door. I gently kicked the door to open, i picked up my drink, placing it and the food on the counter and got my keys out of the lock of the door. I closed it and stood at the corner of my counter and ate my warm meal of McDonald's.

Another way out. [ Owen Grady x Reader ] (Vol. 1) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now