Chapter 2: Red

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(few weeks later)

These past few days I've been at hope getting my apartment looking the way I wanted it to look. Catherine and I have been hanging out a lot too- she helped me pick out some nice furniture and a new bed, and I gotta say...I fucking love that bed, its comfortable as shit. She also got me a fucking job! She works for some company- and she edits videos for them, I get to edit videos too- but I haven't started yet.. Don't get me wrong- I know what I'm doing, I took a class in highschool about how to use computers- and shit.

I sat my lazy ass on my new black couch and put my feet on my new glass table that is the centerpiece of the living room- gotta say I got good style. I grabbed the remote and filled through channels, nothing on. There's the vampire diaries, total divas, etc- but I've seen all those episodes. I check out my phone and go on Instagram.. Like,like, like, not gonna like. I exited Instagram and go on YouTube on phone- I didn't know who to watch- I stopped watching YouTube when I was like 20- that's when I was in college taking some classes- didn't have time to watch videos. I gave up the college life and just got a job back home. I saw some DIY videos that's about it.

I heard knocking on my door- I wonder who that can be. I got up and headed towards it- I opened the door and I see Catherine's face.

(Catherine)- "Hey (y/n)"

(Y/n)- "what's up Cat, come in" I said moving aside to let her in- she had something behind her back- what the hell is it?

(Catherine)- "nothing much- thought I come by and see if you wanted to chill- and maybe drink a bottle?" She says as she revealed red wine.

(Y/n)- "Cat- you just saved me a few bucks" I said acting so dramatic. I was going to buy some but they can be a little bit pricey, plus if i chose one and didn't like it- then there goes my cash down the drain.

We both laugh, I head to the kitchen and grabbed two cups for the wine. Cat was in the living room sitting comfortably on my couch. I came into the living putting the cups on the glass table- cat opened the bottle making it pop softly. She pours the wine into my cup but only half way- she does the same to hers. We began to drink to nice taste of red wine on a Thursday- there's nothing wrong with that.

(Cat)- "so, tell me girly- why L.A?" She says and turns her body to the side to face me.

(Y/n)- "hmm- what do you mean L.A?" I said still swallowing the wine.

(Cat)- "you could have picked some other place"

(Y/n)- "uh- i don't know- I just flipped a coin.. George Washington won"

(Cat)- " nice- so how was it- your high school years- college?"

Fuck- not this question. I wanted to tell her but then I don't- but she is a old bestie and she's my only friend here..fuck it.

(Y/n)- " uh- do you remember Adrian Rivera, he went to middle school with us"

(Cat)- "I think I do- had a bowl haircut right?"

Ha- that's funny cause it's true.

(Y/n)- "yeah- well, we got together in sophomore year- dated till graduation. From there it went to the shitter" I said before taking a sip of more wine to help me get through this shitty memory.

(Cat)- " damn, then What happened from there?"

(Y/n)- " uh- it was okay at that point, did the college thing for a bit- quit, and then I found out Adrian cheated on me with my best friend Ellie." I said scratching my head.

(Cat)- "wait- Ellie? Ellie-- Daniels?"

(Y/n)- "bingo" I said and took a sip- thank you wine for being here with me today.

(Cat)- "never liked her- but I mean I'm sorry for what happened"

(Y/n)- "yeah- well shit happens"

(Cat)- "well fuck them- you are 22, you're hot--we're hot, we're single and ready to move on with our lives"

(Y/n)- "I'll drink to that" and I took a sip

(Cat)- "don't forget the sex!"

Cat shouted, that made me almost choke and spit out the wine- I wasn't expecting her say that. We we're both laughing at this point. Gotta love Catherine being here. Couple hours have passed us by, we ate dinner together and watched some netflix. Cat was going home- and i was stuck with an empty bottle of wine and two used cups, i'll clean this tomorrow- i'm so fucking tired.  I got up and went over to my bedroom- nice and spacious. I go up to my closet and open the door- sweater,sweater,sweater, ahh my collection of graphic tee's and band t-shirts.Few flannel shirts- i hardly wear, only when i want to look good. I grab a black shirt out of random, Three days grace- you'll be on my chest for tonight.  A few cabinets are below my clothes hanging and pull out pajama shorts, I  get out of my clothes i'm currently wearing and change into my nightwear- can't wait to lay on my comfy bed again, i've been sleeping like a baby each night since i got that bed.

I purposely jump into bed, immediately after i stretch and embrace the comfortness. I love this- my own place, no trouble with Adrian or ellie, i can do whatever i want here. I turn to my side and close my eyes to sleep.

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