Chapter 3: Please Forget it

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  Just an FYI- these few chapters is like your backstory,and what's going on in your life. Okay, carry on.

(H/l) = hair length
(H/C) = hair color



No not now... fuck- i guess it's time for me to get up. I got up from bed to go to the bathroom, i grabbed my phone and sat on the toilet. Scrolling through instagram, i like a few things from my family and friends. What's this? A dm? I checked the box to see who Dmed me, Rivera22. No, why would he message me? I unfriended this asshole- i should block him but something stopping me from doing that. His message read ' Can we talk? ' - fuck that, i am not replying back.

I finished using the bathroom and wash up, i turned on my shower and get the warm water ready to shower. I checked my phone again to see what time it was, 10:06 am. I think i'll stop by starbucks and get started on the video that i have to edit. I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower, fuck it's too hot. Half hour later i got out- my fingertips are shrivelled up, I grabbed my Blue towel that was hanging behind the door and wrapped it around me. I walk out of the bathroom and went towards my closet,i Changed into some light clothes- capri leggings and a long loose flannel shirt. Very comfy for those lazy fridays, i went back into the bathroom to brush out my (h/l) (h/c) hair. It was still wet- i'll just let it air dry outside.  I slipped my favorite vans slip on, grabbed my keys,phone,laptop, and left my apartment. Down the elevator i go, I left the building and headed towards a starbucks near me.

I entered inside, it was kind of packed this morning. I went up to the counter and the chick greeted me.

(cashier)- "hi- what can i get you?"

(y/n)- " yeah- can i get (starbucks order + snack). "

I gave her money for my drink and snack- i wait at the other end of the counter and i got my stuff. I didn't know where to sit- all the places were taken already.  I guess i'll sit at an open table, i set my things down and sat on the chair and scooted in. Time to enjoy my breakfast and edit a video.

(time skip)

After two hours of editing this video- i think this video is pretty good but i don't know. I drink was empty and my snack already in my belly, I kind of want some more. I look around starbucks and it was still getting filled with people, a few pretty cute guys came in but i gotta focus on the video. I pressed play on the video- and i feel like it's not good enough, Fuck i wish Cat was here to see it to see if it was good.

Well- this was a very busy friday. Alright- lets go home and relax and maybe go out later with Cat.

(time skip)

I get back to my apartment- i took the elevator up, fuck stairs. Got to my floor and i see someone sitting down by my door. Probably Cat.

(Y/n)- "what are you doing here, slut" i said jokingly

(Cat)- " waiting for you, hoe" she says and stands up.

(y/n)- " well- now that you're here, do you  wanna go out anywhere?"  I said as i unlocked my door.

(cat)- "hell yea- where do you wanna go tonight?"

(y/n)- " uhh--"

I still have no idea whats near me- i mean i don't like going out too much, i hate people. Why did i ask to go out.. Now i gotta get ready and that's so much work..

(Cat)- " I'll text you when to come downstairs- i'll drive us" she says leaving and closing the door behind her.

Fuck- so much work. I set my laptop and my other shit on the counter, i went into my bedroom to find something to wear- i open my closet and search. Nope, nah, hell no. I'll just wear my flannel that i'm wearing- i'll change into longer leggings.  I really- hope Cat chooses a bar, I can go for a drink.  I dressed into leggings and put back my slip ons, my hair was a mess- i fix it as much as possible.

Two fucking hours later- Cat texted me telling me to leave and meet her outside. I grab my keys and my phone and leave my apartment. I headed out and i see her waiting by her car outside- she dressed casual, please cat, please make it a bar.

(cat)- "ready bitch?"

(y/n)- " you're not gonna compliment me on my outfit?" I said sarcastically- i mean she didn't even complimented it..

(cat)- " i mean- you always look great in anything, besides we're going to a bar"

Catherine, you are my angel!

We get into the car and drive off- I turn on the radio and play some rock music, my favorite genre of music. We sing to the music on our way there- we become those loud, singing, laughable drivers in the car. People stared at us, but screw those peopel- cat and i are enjoying ourselves.
We get to the bar- and it was starting to get a little crowded, Cat parked the car, and headed inside- cat held my hand as i lead us to the front counter of the bar. I sat my ass on the bar stool and cat sat next to me, the bartender asked us what we wanted to drink- Cat just asked for water, i forgot she's the driver. I asked for (drink name?). Our drinks came quickly- i drank some of it.

(Cat)- " So where were you this morning- i came by but you weren't home"

(y/n)- " I was out- at starbucks editing my first video for monday"  i said and took a sip of my drink

(cat)- " and? Did you finish?"

(y/n)- " yeah- i did "

(Cat)- "Great, just 40 more years and you can retire"

(Y/n)- "Calm your tits bitch,  i don't even know if they're gonna like my video"

(Cat)- " they'll love it"

(y/n)- " we'll see by monday" i said drinking away

(Cat)- "it'll be fine, so have you been keeping your eyes open for anyone?" she asked fluttering her eyes for emphasis.

(y/n)- " dude, ive only been here a month"

(Cat)-" more reason to keep your eyes open"

(y/n)- "i dont know, after what happened with Adrian- i dont know if i can be the same in a relationship" i say tapping the glass with my nails.

(cat)- " i mean- there is plenty of guys you gotta see before you start to date and settle down....but first you gotta get laid, how long has it been?"

I was thrown off guard by cats surprise questions- This woman gets laid almost every single weekend im guessing. Its hard to think this is the same catherine i met in middle school- she did change alot.

(y/n)- " uhh- a year" i said swallowing my drink.

(Cat)- " i would not have functioned in that year if i was you- when did you lose your virginity?"

(y/n)- " when i was 18, i lost it to Adrian." i felt pain in my chest, saying his name made me angry.

(Cat)- " oh- well, (y/n), drink your problems away and hope to god we both find some good men in our lives. 

We picked up our drinks and clank them together

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